Download CBSE Class 10 Hindi B 2015 Past Year Papers PDF

July 8, 2024

Hindi B Previous Year Papers help the students to practice well for their exams as well as the teachers to provide good sample questions to their students. This is why we have offered all Class 10 Hindi B 2015 Question Papers in freely-downloadable PDF links. At first when you read these Hindi B (Code 085) 2015 Question Papers, you will find a pattern according to which 18 questions were divided in four sections - A, B, C, and D.

Given below is a table in which you can read and understand the distribution of marks and types of questions for the Class 10 Hindi B Question Papers 2015.

Now, you can click on each of these links and download the PDFs to your computer

CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Question Papers 2015 Solutions (Marking Scheme)
4-1 Outside Delhi (Set 1) Topper Solution
4-2 Outside Delhi (Set 2) Solution
4-3 Outside Delhi (Set 3) Solution
4-1-1 Delhi Scheme (Set 1) Solution
4-1-2 Delhi Scheme (Set 2) Solution
4-1-3 Delhi Scheme (Set 3) Solution
4-2-1 Foreign (Set 1) Solution
4-2-2 Foreign (Set 2) Solution
4-2-3 Foreign (Set 3) Solution

If you need help to understand how Previous Year Papers can be helpful in the best way, read along the following points.

  • Solving papers gives you the ability to understand the pattern of the paper in such a way that you will never dread appearing for examinations.
  • They provide an idea of the curriculum followed while setting the paper and which type of questions appeared in that year.
  • As you solve Previous Year Papers, Sample Papers, or Practice Papers, you will be able to identify your mistakes and avoid them in future.

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