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Information Technology Previous Year Papers help the students cover all the important technical as well as subjective questions that were asked as per the previous paper patterns. They provide a way for the students to learn and practice new types of questions every day. So, it is important for the teachers to provide these Past Year Papers to the students so that they can practice them at the right time. Given below are direct links to all the CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Main and Compartment Previous Year Papers, and Marking Scheme Solutions that are made available by CBSE. You can download each of the files for free without entering any login information or your phone number.
Some students might be new to solving Previous Year Papers. So, they can follow the given tips to make the best of these papers and their Marking Scheme Solutions.
We hope these links help both teachers and students in carrying out their tasks efficiently. The teachers will be able to provide the students with more and different types of questions to practice while the students will be able to practice more every day.