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Completing your revision on time brings about the confidence you need for attempting Board Examination. But, if you have even the slightest of doubt on your preparation then add solving these Sanskrit Previous Year Papers to your schedule.
Here, we have provided all the Sanskrit (Code 122) Board Papers made available by CBSE to add more credit to your revision time. But before you head on below to download them, take a look at the paper pattern that was followed to set them.
The CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit 2017 Question Papers were divided into four sections - A, B, C, and D with a total of 16 questions.
Given below are the links to the Sanskrit 2017 Board Question Papers, Compartment Papers, and Marking Scheme Solutions available.
Solving Sanskrit Past Year Papers also have a plan of action of their own. You must follow the given tips below to make the most out of these papers.