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Solving Sanskrit Previous Year Papers is one of the worthiest revision practices. They can help you improve your knowledge of the language and eventually, you understand the pattern of the expected paper.
In this page, you will find direct links to the CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit 2018 Board Exam Paper and Compartment Paper. Solving them can help you discover your mistakes and avoid them in the future.
But wait! Before you download the Sanskrit (122) Board Papers and their Marking Scheme Solutions, take a look at the pattern of the paper that was followed to set them.
In 2018, each paper included 14 questions classified into four sections - A, B, C, and D. You can understand more about each section with the table given below.
Below, you can find and download the Sanskrit Delhi and Outside Delhi Class 10 Board Paper, along with their Marking Scheme Solutions.
After solving these papers, you will be able to: