Not everyone is a scholar and we, at Educart Publications, understand that. This is why we have brought offline and online resources to make your study process easier.
Given below are downloadable links of CBSE Class 10 Science 2018 Question Papers, along with Marking Scheme Solutions and Compartment Papers. These resources are perfect for students who like to revise thoroughly during the exam time.
Each of these Science (Code 086) papers were set according to a specific pattern that gives you an idea of the types and number of questions that are asked in the paper.
In 2018, the Science Class 10 Board Paper was divided into two sections - A and B. Section A included all the subjective questions based on theory while Section B included practical-based questions. This table will give you an idea of the pattern.
These papers are available for every teachers’ and students’ convenience. You must use these Previous Year Papers to help you in specific ways, some of which are listed below: