CBSE Class 10 Science 2024 Past Year Papers PDF

December 12, 2024

CBSE  Class 10 Science Previous Year Papers: Free download 

Science includes physics, chemistry, and biology to improve students' understanding of essential subjects, which is critical for future academics and careers. One of the most effective strategies for achieving top marks is practicing the previous year's papers and understanding the marking scheme. These papers offer important and valuable insights into the exam pattern, frequently asked questions, and mark distribution, helping students become familiar with what to expect in the exam. 

At Educart, we offer valuable learning material to ensure that every student’s preparation becomes easy. Understanding the marking scheme is crucial; it will guide you on how marks are allocated, enabling you to prioritize high-weightage questions.

CBSE Class 10 Science
Question Papers 2024
(Marking Scheme)
31-1-1 (Set 1, Subset 1) Solution
31-1-2 (Set 1, Subset 2) Solution
31-1-3 (Set 1, Subset 3) Solution
31-2-1 (Set 2, Subset 1) Solution
31-2-2 (Set 2, Subset 2) Solution
31-2-3 (Set 2, Subset 3) Solution
31-3-1 (Set 3, Subset 1) Solution
31-3-2 (Set 3, Subset 2) Solution
31-3-3 (Set 3, Subset 3) Solution
31-4-1 (Set 4, Subset 1) Solution
31-4-2 (Set 4, Subset 2) Solution
31-4-3 (Set 4, Subset 3) Solution
31-5-1 (Set 5, Subset 1) Solution
31-5-2 (Set 5, Subset 2) Solution
31-5-3 (Set 5, Subset 3) Solution

Supplementary Papers Solutions
(Marking Scheme)
31-S-1 (Set S, Subset 1) Solution
31-S-2 (Set S, Subset 2) Solution
31-S-3 (Set S, Subset 3) Solution

Structure of Class 10 Science Exam 

The CBSE Class 10 Science exam will be of 80 marks and for 3 hours of duration, The Class 10 science question paper will have a total of 39 questions which will be divided into five sections, 

Sections Question Types No. of Questions
Section A (1m) Multiple Choice Questions 20 (1m)
Section B (2m) Very Short Answer-type
Questions I (30-50 words)
6Q (2m)
Section C (3m) Short Answer-type
Questions II (50-80 words)
7Q (3m)
Section D (5m) Long Answer-type
Questions (70 words)
3Q (5m)
Section E (2m) Source-based Questions 3Q (4m)

Section A (20 marks) 

Section A contains 20 multiple-choice questions, carrying one mark each. These questions test the basic understanding of scientific concepts. They usually require basic and concise concept knowledge. 

Section B (12 marks)

Section B contains very short-answer-type questions. There are a total of 6 questions, each carrying 2 marks. Very short-answer type questions require a brief approach to the answers; you have to write at least 40–50 words. 

Section C (21 marks)

This section contains seven short-answer type questions, each worth 3 marks. These questions require brief but precise answers. They analyse a student’s ability to retain scientific concepts clearly. 

Section D (15 marks) 

Section D includes three long answer-type questions, each containing five marks.  These questions demand a more detailed response and often involve explanations, diagrams, and examples. They test a student’s deeper understanding and ability to apply knowledge to solve problems.

Section E (12 marks) 

The last section includes three case-based questions with four marks each, mostly based on subjects like biology and chemistry. 

Overview of the CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus

The CBSE Class 10 Science syllabus for the academic year 2024–25 covers a variety of topics. The syllabus is divided into three main sections: physics, chemistry, and biology. Each section includes concepts that are important for understanding the natural world and also preparing for higher education.

  • Physics: The unit physics includes a variety of concepts such as electricity, magnetic effects of electric current, light reflection, and refraction.
  • Chemistry: It includes chemical reactions and equations, acids, bases, and salts; metals and non-metals; carbon and its compounds; and the periodic classification of elements.
  • Biology: Biology is the study of life sciences. The unit includes chapters like life processes, control and coordination, how organisms reproduce, heredity and evolution, and our environment.

Additional Resources for CBSE Class 10 Science Preparation 

In addition to the CBSE Class 10 Science Previous Year Paper, students can further enhance their preparation by using various resources:

  • Reference Books: Use reference books made by subject-matter experts to get in-depth explanations and additional practice questions. 
  • Online Learning Platforms: Numerous online platforms offer video lectures, quizzes, and practice tests for CBSE Class 10 Science.
  • Educational Apps: Some mobile apps are designed for CBSE Class 10 Science, offering engaging content, including gamified quizzes.

Practising the previous year's papers is an important step in preparing for the CBSE Class 10 Science exam. It equips students with a thorough understanding of the exam pattern, enhances familiarity with the types of questions, and develops essential time management skills. Adding unique resources to your preparation can make learning more engaging, interactive, and effective. 

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