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Accountancy includes a lot of technical practices that can be tough for some students to learn and remember. This calls for a solution that can help the students practice more and more important questions.
All the available Class 12 Accountancy Term-1 & Term-2 2022 Question Papers that the students can use to understand how the Board papers are set as well as practice as many questions as they like.
Term-2 Previous Year Paper Pattern
However, before attempting them, you must go through and understand their pattern. This pattern structures the paper and helps you prioritise your time accordingly. The 2022 Term 2 question paper consisted of 12 questions divided into two parts - A and B. Part A included all compulsory questions while Part B offered a choice between two sections - Analysis of Financial Statements and Computerized Accounting.
Term-2 Previous Year Papers 2021-22
CBSE Class 12 Compartment Papers 2021-22
Term-1 Previous Year Papers 2021-22