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Chemistry is a vast subject with different sections, including different types of questions. From numericals of Solid State to Nomenclature and from names of various chemicals to polymers; students have to learn everything in detail to be able to answer properly in their exams.
For this, teachers and students can access the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Previous Year Papers offered by us in the form of free downloadable PDF links. In this page, you will find all the sets of Chemistry 2015 Board Papers.
However, you must take a look at the pape pattern that was followed to set these Chemistry (043) Question Papers to understand the marks and section distribution.
According to the pattern of the paper, 26 questions were divided into five types. Students had quite a number of internal choices, along with a Value-based Question that tested the values they learn everyday.
Given below are the links to complete PDF files of CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2015 Board Papers, Compartment Papers, Marking Scheme Solutions, and Topper Answer Sheet.