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Board examinations can be stressful for many students and teachers look for new and practical questions to help their students perform their best. So, we have brought a platform where you can find all the necessary resources without wasting your time.
Practicing with the help of these CBSE Class 12 English Core Board Papers will help both teachers and students in carrying out their respective tasks before Board exams. Practicing these papers, the students will see a change in their level of understanding of the subject.
These papers were strictly designed on the basis of guidelines released by CBSE for the year of 2014. Let’s take a look at the paper pattern that was followed to prepare the CBSE Class 10 English Core 2014 Previous Year Papers.
According to this pattern, each set of Class 12 English Core papers contained 13 questions divided into three sections - A, B, and C. Several internal choices were also given.
Here is the table with all the downloadable links to the Class 12 English Core Main and Compartment Papers, along with their Marking Scheme Solutions and Topper Answer Sheet.