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As you will research more about Previous Year Papers, you will find a great change in the pattern and types of questions that were asked before and now. This comparison helps you create an understanding of the types of questions usually asked in examinations.
Especially in Class 12 Mathematics Previous Year Papers, a change in types of questions have been observed which is very important for teachers and students to know about. This is why we have provided all the PDF files to these Previous Year Papers year-wise.
But before you download the Class 12 Mathematics 2017 Question Papers given below, take a look at the paper pattern that was followed to set each paper.
According to this pattern, All the sets in Delhi Scheme, All India Scheme (North, East, Central, and South), and ForeignScheme consisted of 29 questions divided into four sections - A, B, C, and D. There were also several internal choices to make it easy for the students.Given below are the PDF download links to all the Class 12 Mathematics 2017 Board Papers, Compartment Papers, their Marking Scheme Solutions, and Topper Answer Sheet.