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If you are looking for some worthy practice solutions to prepare smartly for the Board exams, begin with solving these Previous Year Papers. These examination resources are provided by CBSE to add more value to the revision time of the students.
These Previous Year Papers can be used as practice tests to increase your speed in answering the questions. They will bring about an understanding of the different types of questions that are usually preferred in Board exams.
But before you go over the links, let’s have a look at the paper structure that was followed for the CBSE Class 12 Mathematics 2022 Paper. It will give you an idea of the marks distribution of the paper
According to this pattern, the Class 12 Mathematics 2022 papers consisted of 14 questions divided into three sections - A, B, and C. There were also several internal choices to make it easy for the students.
Now, you can click on these links to download each set of the Class 12 Mathematics Question Papers and their Marking Scheme Solutions.
CBSE Class 12 Compartment Papers 2021-22