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Are you always looking for new ways to improve your learning and revision skills? Previous Year Papers are among the worthiest practice solutions. They can help you in several ways, mainly by bringing confidence to your revision time.
In this page, we have provided the downloadable PDFs of CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Question Papers. Take a look at the paper pattern that was followed in 2017 and then have free, offline access to these files any time.
According to the pattern of the paper, 26 questions were divided into three types, all of which were quite easy to solve.
Given below are the FREE links to complete PDF files of CBSE Class 12 Physical Education 2017 Board Papers, Compartment Papers, and Marking Scheme Solutions. You can download them directly to your computer without entering any login information.
To further facilitate the students prepare for better results in their Class 12 Board exams, we have quality learning resources that are our EDUCART NCERT EXEMPLARS FOR CLASS 12 2022 BOARD EXAMS.
They are available for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, with all the NCERT Exemplar Problems and their explained Solutions. We have also added some important questions from Diksha Platform for Class 12.
Any other information regarding CBSE curriculum, paper pattern, study material, and notifications is available below in the supporting links.