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We all know the importance of Class 12 Board. Performance in these exams decides a student’s career. So, your preparation must be in a way that your future depends on it, because well, it does!
In this page, we have provided Class 12 Physics (Code 042) 2019 Board Papers as a helping hand for your revision time. You can learn different types of theoretical and numerical questions that appear in the paper, and practice completing the paper on time.
But it is always important to read and understand the pattern of the paper before you start solving it. So, take a look at the table given below before you download and solve these Class 12 Physics Past Year Papers.
According to the pattern of the Class 12 Physics 2019 Board paper, 27 questions were divided into four sections - A, B, C, and D. Students had quite a number of internal choices.
Given below are complete PDF files of CBSE Class 12 Physics 2019 Board Papers, Compartment Papers, Marking Scheme Solutions, and Topper Answer Sheet.