Consumer Awareness Project Class 10 SST

Consumer Awareness Project

As part of the CBSE 2024–25 Syllabus, students are required to prepare and submit Class 10 Social Science projects on Consumer Awareness. Educart has created a special page with lots of inspiring ideas on various parts of this project.

Below you will find some creative project cover images to use, well-designed acknowledgment pages, and even complete project files (in video form) of toppers who have created the best projects on consumer awareness in the past.

Serial No. Content
1 Project Structure
2 Examples: Cover Images
3 Examples: Acknowledgement/Index page
4 Videos: Topper Project Files
5 PDFs: Full Projects

Project Structure

Learn everything from scratch with this step-by-step guide on project work for Class 10 Social Science Consumer Development Project.


Start your consumer awareness project with a good 50-100-word introductory paragraph about consumer awareness. Set the stage by highlighting the importance of informed decision-making in today's marketplace.

Image source Pinterest
Definition and Consumer Exploitation

Who is a Consumer?

Under this topic, define who a consumer is and the different types of consumer. For instance, write a definition like a consumer is someone who buys things for themselves. Consumers drive the economy by choosing what to buy: groceries, clothes, or gadgets. They can influence what products are made and how they're sold by deciding what to purchase.It's better to read the definition of consumer on various websites and write it in your own words.  

Image Source: Google

How Consumers are Being Exploited?

After you have defined who a consumer is, Describe how consumers are being exploited. Explain the different ways of consumer exploitation;  

  • Misleading Advertising
  • Sub-standard quality
  • Adulterated and Impure Product
  • False Claims
  • Safety Issues in Devices
  • False warranties and guarantees
Image Source: Google
Importance & Need of Consumer Awareness

Explain Consumer Awareness

Start by defining consumer awareness, then move gradually towards why consumer awareness is essential. Highlight how it helps individuals to make informed decisions, protects them from exploitation, and promotes fair practices in the marketplace.

Image Source: Google
Image Source: Google

Importance & Need of Consumer Awareness

This topic explains the importance and need for consumer awareness, such as protection from exploitation, informed decision-making, Market accountability, Healthy competition, and reduction of fraud.  

Image Source: Google
Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Start this topic by defining consumer rights. Explain all the important consumer rights and responsibilities and the importance of making educated decisions based on accurate information. Here is a list of consumer rights you should mention in your project.  

  • Right to Safety
  • Right to be Informed
  • Right to Choose
  • Right to be heard
  • Right to Seek redressal
  • Right to Consumer Education
Image Source: Google
Laws and Regulations

Historical Evolution of Consumer Protection in India

Write a brief historical evolution of consumer protection that is at most one paragraph. Use the following link for this purpose. 

Laws and Regulations Promoting Consumer Awareness

Provide an overview of relevant laws and regulations to protect consumers' interests and promote awareness. Highlight specific provisions within consumer protection laws that focus on education and awareness initiatives. Describe government-led efforts to enhance consumer awareness through policy measures and public campaigns.

Image Source: Google

Consumer Protection Act

Explain The Consumer Protection Act of 1986 (COPRA) and The Consumer Protection Act of 2019. Compare only the key points as amended from the consumer awareness point of view.                                                    

   Image Source: Google


World Consumer Rights Day (15th March)

Mention World Consumer Rights Day and state when and why it is celebrated. Write that this day is observed every year on 15 March to raise consumers' awareness of their rights, including safety, choice, information, education, and redressal. Also mention this year's theme, etc., and where it was inspired.  

Image Source: Google
Jago Grahak Jago Campaign

Discuss the Jago Grahak Jago program launched in 2005 by the Department of Consumer Affairs. Explain various methods of making the consumer aware of product quality by explaining certification marks of product categories. A table is provided below for your convenience. 


Image Source: Google

Certification Marks in India

Image Source: Google 
Image Source: Google 
Image Source: Google
Image Source: Google
Name Abbreviation Standards Organization Product Category
ISI Mark Indian Standards Institution Bureau of Indian Standards Industrial Products
AGMARK Agriculture Mark Directorate of Marketing and Inspection Agriculture Products
BIS HALLMARK Bureau of Indian Standards Bureau of Indian Standards Gold and Silver Ornaments
FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Food Products
FPO Mark Fruit Products Order Ministry of Food Processing Industries Processed food products
Non-Polluting vehicle Mark Non-Polluting vehicle Mark Central Pollution Control Board Automobiles
ISO Mark International Organization for Standardization - Most Products
BEE Label Bureau of Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power Electrical Appliances
Veg and Non-Veg Marks Vegetarian and Non Vegetarian Marks Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Food Products
Silk Mark - Silk Board of India Silk products
Handloom Mark - Ministry of Textiles Handloom Products
Wool Mark - Ministry of Textiles Wool Products
Redressal Method & National Consumer Helpline

Redressal Method for Consumer Awareness

Introduce online platforms and resources where consumers can access information about products, services, and their rights. Consumer Protection Agencies: Discuss the role of government agencies and helplines in providing consumer assistance and guidance.

Image Source: Google

National Consumer Helpline

Image Source: Google

Consumer Awareness in the Digital Age

Discuss how advancements in technology, such as the Internet and social media, have revolutionized consumer awareness. Also, discuss the role of online reviews and ratings in influencing purchasing decisions.  

Image source: Google

Summarize the importance of consumer awareness in empowering consumers, promoting fair practices, and driving economic growth. Encourage continued efforts from all stakeholders to prioritize consumer education and advocacy. Envision a future where all consumers are informed, empowered, and able to make responsible choices in the marketplace.

Viva Questions

Viva questions: Class 10 SST Consumer Awareness Project 

1. What does it mean to be an informed consumer?

2. What are some common consumer rights?

3. Why is it important to read product labels before purchasing?

4. How can consumers protect themselves from scams and fraudulent practices?

5. What are some ways consumers can provide feedback or file complaints about products or services?

Examples: Cover Images

Here is a cover page idea for Consumer Awareness Project SST Class 10.

Examples: Acknowledgement/ Index page

In the acknowledgment section of SST Project Consumer Awareness Class 10, you have to acknowledge the efforts of those people who helped or inspired you in any form to complete this project.

Videos: Topper Project Files

Here are a few video inspirations for CBSE class 10 consumer awareness project.

Project Idea- Video 1

Project Idea- Video 2

Project Idea- Video 3

Project Idea- Video 4

PDFs: Full Projects

Download sample PDFs of the consumer awareness Project.

Sample Project 1

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Sample Project 2

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Sample Project 3

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Sample Project 4

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Sample Project 5

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Sample Project 6

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