Social Issues Project Class 10 SST

Social Issues Project

As part of the CBSE 2024–25 Syllabus, students are required to prepare and submit Class 10 Social Science projects on Sustainable Development. Educart has created a special page with lots of inspiring ideas on various parts of this project.

Below you will find some creative project cover images to use, well-designed acknowledgment pages, and even complete project files (in video form) of toppers who have created the best projects on social issues in the past.

Image source: Google

Serial No. Content
1 Project Structure
2 Examples: Cover Images
3 Examples: Acknowledgement/Index page
4 Videos: Topper Project Files
5 PDFs: Full Projects

Project Structure

The index, also called the Table of Contents, usually comes after acknowledgment. It contains the main heading of the topics arranged in a sequence. Here is an example for reference purpose. 


Write a brief introduction of 100–150 words about social issues. Explain that these are problems that affect people in society, such as poverty, discrimination, and pollution.  

Definition & Importance

Define social issues and their importance. Social issues are problems or concerns that impact society as a whole or specific groups within it. These can include poverty, inequality, discrimination, environmental degradation, etc.


Under this topic, write about the historical context of social issues, especially in India. You can use the reference provided below for this topic.


Write about different types of issues that fall into these categories. 

  1. Social Justice Issues
  2. Community Issues
  3. Global Issues
  4. Political Issues
  5. Economic Issues
  6. Environmental Issues
  7. Technological Issues

Write about different types of issues that fall into these categories.

Image Source: Simplicable
Image source: Simplicable
Image source: Simplicable
Image Source: Simplicable
Image source: Simplicable
Image source: Simplicable
Major Social Issues

Among the major social issues, only three or four major problems are prevalent worldwide and in India. You can choose:   

 (i) Poverty and Income Inequality

Write about the definition of poverty and its causes. Explain how poverty affects individuals and society. Write down the various solutions and interventions.    

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest

(ii) Racism and Discrimination

Explain the historical context of racism and its different forms, such as racial and gender discrimination. Write about the impact of discrimination on marginalized groups and various strategies for combating racism and discrimination.  

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest

(iii)   Educational Disparities

Explain educational disparities in access to quality education and their effects on individuals and communities. Also, explain the various initiatives the Government of India and international organizations took to address education inequalities. You can write about the Mid-Day Meal Programme and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.  

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest

 (iv)  Environmental Justice

Define environmental justice and discuss various environmental issues, such as climate change, plastic pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Write about the effects of environmental injustice on health and well-being. State various advocacy efforts for environmental justice.

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest 


Global Social Issues

Discuss the major global issues that are looming around the world right now. For instance, talk about human rights violations, the refugee crisis, and climate change.

 (i)  Human Rights Violations

Define human rights violations. Write down the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). State various examples of human rights violations and abuses worldwide and various international interventions to address these issues.

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest 

(ii) Refugee Crisis

Explain what a refugee crisis is, describe the various causes of refugee crises, and describe the various challenges faced by refugees. Also, explain international interventions and refugee rights.  

Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest,they%20are%20on%20the%20move 

 (iii) Climate Change and Social Impact

Start by writing about the social implications of climate change, like displacement, food security, etc. Mention the vulnerable populations that are affected by climate change. Explain mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies.


Image source: Pinterest
Image source: Pinterest 

Emerging Social Issues

The latest addition to the social issues list is technological issues, which are an emerging threat in today's world.  

 (i)  Technology and Social Change

Write about the impact of technology on society. Explain how the growth of social media platforms affects people of all age groups and compromises their privacy, mental health, etc. Mention various policies rolled out by the Indian government to address emerging technology-related issues.

Image source: Pinterest

Image source: Pinterest


Write a summary of all the social issues discussed above, state a call to action to address the problems, and list a few awareness-raising efforts the national and international governing bodies should take.

Viva Questions

Here are a few viva questions for you.

  1. What are some common causes of poverty in society?
  2. Can you explain how discrimination affects marginalized groups?
  3. How does access to quality education impact a community's well-being?
  4. What is environmental justice, and why is it important?
  5. How does technology influence social issues like privacy and inequality?

Examples: Cover Images

Here are a few cover page ideas for Social Issues Project SST Class 10.

Slide 2 of 3.

Examples: Acknowledgement / Index page

Have a look at few creative examples for your project acknowledgement and Index Page.

Slide 2 of 3.

Videos: Topper Project Files

Here are some video links for inspiration for your Sustainable Development Project.

Project Idea- Video 1

Project Idea- Video 2

Project Idea- Video 3

Project Idea- Video 4

PDFs: Full Projects

According to the Project Work Guidelines by CBSE, you have the flexibility to choose between a handwritten or digital format for your Project Report. Regardless of the format you select, you can incorporate the following chronology and utilize the ideas and resources mentioned above to create your Social Science Project for Class 10.

Sample Project 1

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Sample Project 2

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Sample Project 3

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Sample Project 4

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Sample Project 5

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Sample Project 6

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