Transitioning from Class 10 to Class 11 i.e. getting promoted to senior secondary year, an almost end to the school life. Class 11 comes with a choice of streams that a student possibly would pursue in higher studies eventually leading to professional life. Just like Class 9 is the base for Class 10 board exams, the same is for Class 11 which is the base for Class 12.
Students strengthen their foundation for Class 12 and competitive class in this class. To strengthen the base students need the right type of material to help them not only perform better academically but for overall enhancement of problem-solving, analytical, and conceptual skills. The table below will provide Class 11 subject-wise study material links that will redirect you to the study material following the latest CBSE pattern as per the clicked subject.
Class 11 can benefit from the subject-wise material significantly. The students can get multiple study materials as per the latest CBSE pattern in a single place. This only requires choosing the required subject from the table above and then downloading the required file which can be chapter-wise notes, mind maps, and many other study materials. Here is why, students should download Class 11 subject-wise material.
Digital as well as Physical market is filled with various study materials and there is a high probability of students getting confused with what to choose, how to choose, and how to study. Since CBSE Class 11 subject-wise material pages provide extra study material in one place, they need to know what they will get after clicking the required subject-wise material link. Look at what these materials are and how they will help Class 11 students.
Subject-wise Class 11 study material is necessary for preparing for the exams and strengthening the foundation for Class 12. Chapter-wise notes are one of the most integral components to add to the study plan and in exam preparations. The importance of CBSE Class 11 chapter-wise notes can be seen in the below-listed points.
Class 11 comes with more subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and many others that have important formulas to understand the topics as well as solving the problems and numerical.
It is a fact that students are able to memorize better when they perform the procedure and witness the results. Experiential Activities has been added to the Class 11 CBSE curriculum to help students gain knowledge from experience.
Every student looks for important questions for practice purposes and improves their likelihood of performing better in CBSE Class 11 exams. Subject-wise materials comprise Class 11 important questions to help students achieve their dream of performing better and score their dream marks.
Visualisation of chapters and topics are introduced to help the students improve their memorization. Chunking is considered one of the most suitable memorization technique and mind maps is based on that technique where the difficult topics are divided into step-wise learning i.e. subtopics.
There are many other Class 11 subject-wise study materials available to help students learn better like question banks and extra practice questions. Class 11 is integral to clearing the base for further learning in Class 12 and clearing the competitive exams.
Every student deserves access to all types of learning material that can help them reach heights. We at Educart intend to provide every student the best experience via online free study material as well as a sample paper, question banks, and other books curated by experienced SMEs and rigorous rounds of editing. Class 11 subject-wise study material is the tool to score the dream marks.