Check out our helpful Class 9th Chemistry chapter 2 notes and other subject-wise material for revision. These notes are prepared to help students understand the concepts of mixtures and solutions, which are essential for exams. Prepared by our experts at Educart, these notes follow the latest CBSE syllabus and exam pattern. They're presented in a concise, pointwise format, making it easy for you to grasp and memorize key concepts quickly. With our online revision notes, you can breeze through the entire chapter notes of “Is Matter Around Us Pure” in just 20 minutes or less!
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Get class 9 science chapter 2 question answers in one paper. This PDF contains the important questions that have a high probability of being asked in the exams. Go through these questions to understand your recall process. Downloadable links to the free PDFs are given below.
CBSE Class 9 chapter 2 question answer is available for download. Click on the link below, to download the detailed explanations of all the important questions in one place.
Below, we have provided Class 9 Is Matter Around Us Pure? Support Materials that cover concept mapping along with table comparison and important formulas in handy PDFs.
In the first chapter Matter In Our Surroundings notes we have learned about the definition of matter, its characteristics, its three states i.e. solid, liquid, and gas, and how one state can be changed to others.
In Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure notes we will discuss the mixture and solutions.
What is Substance?
A substance refers to any specific form of matter that cannot be divided into simpler components by the application of physical forces. It has a uniform composition and distinctive properties. Substances are broadly categorized into two main types: pure substances and mixtures.
What are Pure Substances?
It consists of a single type of particle. Eg: Gold, Diamond, Salt, Copper. Pure Substances are further divided into two types i.e. Elements and Compounds.
Types of Pure Substance
It is the simplest form of matter made of only one type of atom and cannot be broken down into further elements by chemical reactions. Eg. Oxygen, Gold, etc. There are three types of elements i.e. Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids.
Compounds are made when different elements are combined chemically with each other in fixed proportions. The properties of a compound are different from that of its constituents. Examples of compounds are Ammonium Sulphate, Sulphur Chloride, and Water. Water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
What are Mixtures?
Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances in which each retains its chemical identity but can be separated by physical methods. For Example, salt water is a mixture of two substances Salt and Water.
Types of Mixture
Homogeneous Mixtures: This is a type of mixture where the components are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture, resulting in a single-phase solution. Examples include salt dissolved in water and air.
Heterogeneous Mixtures: Heterogeneous mixtures have a non-uniform distribution, allowing the components to be visually distinguished. Examples include a mixture of sand and water
What is a solution?
A solution is a type of mixture where one substance dissolves completely into another. It's like when you mix something into water and it disappears, making the water look the same throughout. The substance that dissolves is called the solute, and the one it dissolves into is called the solvent. For example, when you mix sugar (solute) into water (solvent), you get a sugar solution. Solutions can be found everywhere, from saltwater in the ocean to sugar dissolved in your morning coffee. They're handy because they're evenly mixed and don't settle out over time.
What is an alloy?
An alloy is a type of mixture of two or more metals or mixture of a metal and non-metals. A good example of alloys is brass (a mixture of copper with up to 50% zinc) and steel (a mixture of iron and carbon).
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