UP Board Syllabus Class 10 2024-25

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

UPMSP Board has released the latest syllabus for class 10 for the year 2024-25. For students it becomes really important to analyse the syllabus of all the subjects and create a comprehensive strategy to tackle the UPMSP Class 10 board exams as soon as the syllabus is released.

Education is the basis of every person’s future, building their knowledge and skills. Among the many state boards in India, the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) is one of the largest educational boards. The UP Board Class 10 syllabus is an essential resource in the life of a student. The U.P. Board Class 10 offers a comprehensive curriculum that is crucial for higher education and future careers. Let us understand a brief overview of the syllabus and how it is beneficial for the students. 

Below you will get the subject-wise syllabus in PDF format to download. Click on the links given for each subject and get the detailed syllabus in PDF format.

UP BOARD Class 10 Syllabus for 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board English Syllabus 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board Hindi Syllabus 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board Maths Syllabus 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board Science Syllabus 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board Social Science Syllabus 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board Home Science Syllabus 2024-25

<red>→ <red>Class 10 UP Board Sanskrit Syllabus 2024-25

The importance of the UP Board Class 10 syllabus

The UP Board Class 10 syllabus plays an important role in a student’s academic life. It is designed to ensure that students develop a strong understanding of all subjects, which is essential for their higher studies and overall growth. Here's why the syllabus is so important:

  • The UPMSP syllabus for class 10 is designed to strike a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application. This makes sure that students are not just memorizing facts but also understanding concepts.
  • The UP Board's syllabus is aligned with the requirements of various competitive exams, such as JEE, NEET, and others.  By studying the UP Board syllabus for class 10, 2024-25, students can build a strong foundation that will help them excel in these exams.
  • The UP Board syllabus ensures a standardized level of education across the state. This standardization helps in maintaining uniformity in the level of education provided, regardless of the school or location.
  • The syllabus is designed to develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities among students. These skills are essential for both academic success and real-world challenges.
  • The inclusion of Hindi and English languages in the syllabus ensures that students are proficient in both languages, which is crucial for communication in various fields.
  • The UP Board syllabus 2024-25 class 10 PDF download option is available online, making it easily accessible for students and educators. This ensures that everyone can access the syllabus anytime and anywhere, facilitating better planning and study.

What is included in the Class 10 UP Board Syllabus 2024-25? 

The UP Board Class 10 syllabus is divided into several subjects, each with its own unique content and objectives. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the syllabus for the major subjects:

  1. Hindi (हिन्दी): The Hindi class 10 U.P. Board syllabus is designed to enhance the literary skills of students. It includes prose, poetry, grammar, and writing sections. Students study various works from renowned authors and poets. The grammar section includes topics like sentence structure, verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, etc. 
  2. English: The English syllabus focuses on developing students' proficiency in the language, including reading, writing, grammar, and literature. This includes stories, poems, and plays from both Indian and Western authors. It helps students appreciate different cultures and styles of writing. Grammar covers topics like tenses, voice, direct and indirect speech, etc., which are fundamental to language usage.
  3. Mathematics: Mathematics is a subject that develops logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The syllabus covers various topics, such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics, each designed to enhance these skills.
  4. Science: The science syllabus aims to develop scientific knowledge among students. It is divided into three main sections: physics, chemistry, and biology.
  5. Social Science: Social science includes history, geography, political science, and economics. This subject helps students understand society and its functioning.

How to Access and Utilize the UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

Students can easily access the UP Board syllabus 2024-25 class 10 PDF download option from the official UPMSP website or our website. 

  • Students should regularly review the syllabus to stay on track with their studies and ensure they cover all topics before exams.
  • Use the syllabus to plan your study schedule. Break down the syllabus into manageable sections and set deadlines for covering each topic.
  • Teachers can use the syllabus as a guide to design their lesson plans, ensuring they cover all essential topics systematically.
  • The syllabus should be the primary reference for exam preparation. Make sure to revise all topics mentioned in the syllabus and practice past papers to get a clear idea of the exam pattern.
  • Use additional study materials and reference books that align with the UP Board syllabus to enhance your understanding of difficult topics.

The U.P. Board Class 10 syllabus is an essential need that every student requires to ace their exams. The syllabus might be lengthy, but with great practice and a good schedule, you can score good marks in the Class 10 U.P. board exam. 


1. From where to download the complete UP Board Syllabus Class 10 for 2024-25 session?

You can download the complete UP Board Syllabus for class 10 from here- Latest UP Board Syllabus 2024-25. The syllabus is downloadable for all the subjects- English, Science, Mathematics, Hindi, SST. Students need to go through the latest syllabus to get an idea about the paper pattern.

2. What is the reduced syllabus of UP Board Class 10 for 2024-25 Exams?

The Board has made no reductions in the UP Board class 10 syllabus for the academic session 2024-25. The syllabus for all the subjects is the same as before COVID. You can download the syllabus for all the subjects for class 10 from here- UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

NCERT Exemplar for Class 10


UP Board Class 10 Model Papers

MathsEnglishScienceHindiSocial Science

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