UP Board Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus for 2024-25

Monday, November 11, 2024

Sanskrit, our ancient language, which is also referred to as the “mother of all languages," has a mandatory place in our education system. Sanskrit is also seen as a scoring subject, as it is easier to learn and understand (if studied properly) than all other subjects. It requires proper practice and revision before appearing for UP Board Class 10 board examinations. 

Did you know? Many modern-day Indian languages have evolved from Sanskrit only. Interesting, right?

The UP Board Class 10 syllabus is a detailed set of content that covers all the topics taught in previous classes in a deeper way, which also makes it more extensive and tougher to cover for some students. The first step for any student to prepare for UP Board exams is to have a clear understanding of the syllabus. On this page, we have provided direct and free access to the Class 10 Sanskrit Paper Syllabus PDF for the 2024-25 session.

2024-25 Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus


Detailed Breakdown of Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 UP Board 2025

Knowing the Sanskrit syllabus in detail is one of the key points to excelling in exams with good grades. There will be a written exam of 70 marks in the subject, and an internal assessment of 30 marks will be done at the school level. 

Overview of Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus 2025
व्याकरण (Grammar)
Chapter Content
सन्धि स्वर सन्धि
व्यंजन सन्धि
विसर्ग सन्धि
समास तत्पुरुष समास
कर्मधारय समास
द्वंद्व समास
बहुव्रीहि समास
अव्ययीभाव समास
काल वर्तमान काल
वाच्य कर्तृवाच्य
वचन एकवचन
सर्वनाम कर्तृ सर्वनाम
कर्म सर्वनाम
संबंध सर्वनाम
विशेषण गुणवाचक विशेषण
संख्यावाचक विशेषण
क्रिया अकर्मक क्रिया
सकर्मक क्रिया
द्विकर्मक क्रिया
वाक्यरचना सरल वाक्य
संयुक्त वाक्य
मिश्र वाक्य
साहित्य (Literature)
गद्य (Prose) पाठ 1: राजा भोज का न्याय
पाठ 2: प्रताप की परीक्षा
पाठ 3: पांडवों का अज्ञातवास
पद्य (Poetry) पाठ 1: सुभाषितानि
पाठ 2: श्रेयः मार्ग
पाठ 3: प्रार्थना
नाटक (Drama) पाठ 1: शकुंतला का परिचय
पाठ 2: मत्तविलास प्रहसन
कथा (Stories) पाठ 1: नचिकेता और यमराज
पाठ 2: हनुमान का लंका-दहन
अनुवाद और बोध (Translation and Comprehension)
अनुवाद सरल वाक्यों का संस्कृत से हिंदी और हिंदी से संस्कृत में अनुवाद।
संस्कृत से हिंदी: "रामः गच्छति।" - "राम जा रहा है।"
हिंदी से संस्कृत: "वह पढ़ रहा है।" - "सः पठति।"
बोध पाठों का समझ और संक्षेपण।
चयनित गद्यांश का अनुवाद और बोध।

Cultural Significance of Sanskrit

Sanskrit is not just a subject; it’s much more than that. It is our ancient language, a language full of wisdom and knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation. Learning Sanskrit opens various paths for us to dive into our ancient classical culture, some texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, and epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata, and various works of beautiful poetry and drama.

These texts not only let us know about ancient Indian philosophy, science, and art but also reflect the moral and ethical values of our culture today.

Getting known to Sanskrit and taking an interest in understanding it is not just about learning the language but also about getting in touch with our roots and culture and appreciating various contributions of ancient scholars to the field. Thus, Sanskrit is about preserving and appreciating our rich cultural heritage.

Important Topics for Sanskrit 2025 Board Exams Class 10

Knowing important topics and chapters before board exams in 2025 will help you to prepare accordingly and with more clarity. It may boost your preparation game even. Here are some key topics you should pay attention to: 

व्याकरण (Grammar)

  • सन्धि और समास: These are very frequently asked and form the base of many grammar part questions.
  • काल और क्रियाओं का संयोजन: Make sure you know about different tense forms and verbs, cause students to make most of the mistakes in this portion.
  • सर्वनाम और विशेषण: Keep on practising their usage in various sentences to understand Sanskrit better.

साहित्य (Literature)

  • गद्य और पद्य: Go through the main themes and ideas of the prose and poetry sections. Pay attention to the important passages and poems highlighted in the syllabus.
  • नाटक और कहानियाँ: Understand the plot, characters, and moral lessons of the stories and dramas included in your syllabus.

अनुवाद और बोध (Translation and Comprehension)

  • अनुवाद अभ्यास: Very important! Practice translating sentences and short passages from Sanskrit to Hindi and vice versa.
  • बोध अनुच्छेद: Work on understanding and summarising passages. Practice answering questions based on comprehension passages.

Features of UP Board Sanskrit 2024-25 Syllabus Class 10

The Sanskrit syllabus 2024-25 is just a summary of topics that you need to cover for your Sanskrit Class 10 Board Examination 2025. Apart from this important characteristic, we have a few important features of the syllabus as well:

  • UP Board Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 Class 10 includes all information like marking scheme, weightage, updated details, etc.
  • Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 gives all the updated information, along with explaining the goals and objectives of UP board examinations 2025.
  • The syllabus of Sanskrit 2024-25 is highly flexible, as it is all according to what the teachers and students need.

Study Tips for the Preparation of Class 10 Sanskrit Exam 2024-25

Studying Sanskrit isn’t as hard as it seems. If approached with the right strategies, Sanskrit can be an asset as it is very easy to score and a gaining subject. Let’s discuss some tips and tricks to study Sanskrit and ace that Sanskrit Class 10 UP board exam 2025: 

Understand the Basics

Before going all deep into the complex side of the Sanskrit language, make sure you have a good understanding of the basics of Sanskrit, like the words and their meanings, the tenses and how they are used, and dhatu roops and fal roops (learn them by heart). These form the heart of the Sanskrit language. Practice Sandhi, Samas, and other grammar chapters regularly.

Regular Practice

Sanskrit needs to be practiced regularly. Divide and distribute a specific time each day to study and practice the Sanskrit. Consistency is key to mastering the language without any confusion.

Use flashcards

Flashcards are a great tool for memorising vocabulary, grammar rules, and important concepts. Create flashcards for different verb forms, pronouns, and other key elements to grow your learning.

Read aloud

Reading Sanskrit texts aloud helps improve your pronunciation and fluency in speaking Sanskrit, which eventually makes you understand Sanskrit better. It also aids in a better understanding of the subject. Practice reading prose, poetry, and drama excerpts from your syllabus.

Write regularly

Writing is an effective way to apply and remember what you have learned. Practice writing sentences, short paragraphs, and translations (anuvad). This will help you gain confidence in your writing skills and prepare you more nicely for the exam.

Use online resources

There are numerous online resources available for learning Sanskrit. Make use of educational websites like educart. co, videos, and apps available online that offer interactive lessons and exercises. These can provide additional practice and help clarify difficult concepts.

The 10 Class Sanskrit UP Board Syllabus 2025 allows students to know more about the rich culture and heritage of ancient India. By understanding the structure of the syllabus and focusing on important topics, and by knowing and going through effective study tips and tricks, students can guarantee to do well in their Sanskrit Class 10 Board.

Remember, a clear understanding of the basics, lots of practice, and using the resources available are enough to master the subject. Happy learning! 

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