Biology Class 12 is like understanding how things around us function , grow, reproduce and evolve. For class 12 students, Biology is an important subject as well as main subject of the stream PCB students. Learning bio class 11 is necessary to help you understand the basic concepts essential for the future career like medicine field, biotechnology or environmental science.
Latest syllabus of UP Board Class 12 has been released officially. Below we have provided a download PDF for the latest syllabus along with reduced syllabus of 2024-25 to get an idea of the new added and deleted topics.
2024-25 Latest Syllabus UP Board Class 12 Biology
2023-24 Syllabus UP Board Class 12 Biology
(for reference purposes only)
Unit-wise blueprint of a subject can help students know the syllabus and exam pattern correctly. Below, we have provided a table for you to go through:
Theory marks - 70
Practical marks - 30
Time - 3 hrs
There are some topics in Biology which seem to be frequently asked, or it might be possible that they appear in the exams 2025. To help students prepare well, we have provided a table of important chapters / topics below:
There will be two papers for Biology with each paper carrying 19 questions.
Structure of flower, development of male and female gametophytes, pollination, types, outbreeding devices, pollen-pistil interaction, double fertilization, post-fertilization events, development of endosperm and embryo, seed and fruit formation, special modes-apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony, significance of seed and fruit formation.
Male and female reproductive systems, microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary, gametogenesis - spermatogenesis and oogenesis, menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, embryonic development up to blastocyst formation, pregnancy, placenta formation, parturition, and lactation.
Reproductive health, problems, and strategies, need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, contraception, and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP), amniocentesis, infertility, and assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs).
Mendelian inheritance, deviations from Mendelism (incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles, and inheritance of blood groups), pleiotropy, elementary idea of polygenic inheritance, chromosome theory of inheritance, chromosomes and genes, sex determination, linkage and recombination, sex-linked inheritance, Mendelian disorders in humans (color blindness, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, phenylketonuria), chromosomal disorders in humans (Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome).
Structure of DNA and RNA, DNA packaging, DNA replication, transcription, genetic code, translation, gene expression and regulation (lac operon), genome and human genome project, DNA fingerprinting.
Origin of life, biological evolution, evidence for evolution (paleontological, comparative anatomy, embryology, molecular evidence), Darwin’s contribution, modern synthetic theory of evolution, mechanism of evolution (variation, mutation, recombination, natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow), Hardy-Weinberg principle, adaptive radiation, human evolution.
Pathogens, parasites causing human diseases (malaria, dengue, chikungunya, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ringworm), basic concepts of immunology - vaccines; cancer, HIV and AIDS, adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse.
Microbes in household products, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation, as biocontrol agents and bio-fertilizers, antibiotics, production, and judicious use.
Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology), cloning vectors, processes of recombinant DNA technology, applications of biotechnology in health and agriculture.
Applications in health and agriculture: human insulin and vaccine production, gene therapy, genetically modified organisms - Bt crops, transgenic animals, biosafety issues, biopiracy, patents.
Organism and its environment, population and ecological adaptations, population interactions, population attributes, growth, birth rate, death rate, age distribution.
Ecosystem, structure and function, productivity and decomposition, energy flow, pyramids of energy, ecological succession, nutrient cycling (carbon and phosphorous), ecosystem services, ecological pyramids.
Biodiversity, its importance, types, patterns, loss, biodiversity conservation (in-situ and ex-situ conservation), biosphere reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, hot spots, endangered organisms, extinction.
The Biology syllabus 2024-25 is just a summary of topics that you need to cover for your Biology Class 12 Board Examination 2025. Apart from this important characteristic, we have a few important features of the syllabus as well:
Focus on diagrams and their labelling + explanations: Many topics in Biology require a clear understanding of diagrams (e.g., reproductive systems, DNA structure, ecosystems).
Practice previous years' question papers: By practicing and revising PYQs you will get an advantage of understanding the exam pattern and the type of questions asked which will eventually help you to prepare well and perform better in exam.
Know the concepts: Instead of mugging up everything, focus on understanding the base principles and concepts as they are mostly asked in application based questions and they can make your learning easier.
Prepare notes for revision: Making notes by yourself is an effective way of learning things with a clear understanding and depth. Summarize each chapter with key points and diagrams for quick revision before the exams.
Managing resources: When you know the syllabus, you can gather the right study materials, such as textbooks, reference books, and online resources. This helps you avoid wasting time on unimportant topics and focus on topics that are going to be there in exam paper for sure.
Self-Assessment: UP Board Syllabus Class 12 allows students to self-assess their knowledge and identify areas where they need improvement. This helps them focus their study efforts effectively.
Boost Confidence: As students tackle more sections given in the UP Board Class 12 Syllabus, they gain confidence in their preparation, which is most needed for exam success.