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Shop Books
What is the basic idea behind the SHGs for the poor? Explain in your own words.
There is an evolutionary basic idea behind the organization of Self Help Groups for the poor – Banks are not present in all the rural areas of India. Wherever they are, taking a loan from a bank is more difficult than taking a loan from a moneylender. Due to lack of credit base, poor families are unable to take loans from banks. That's why poor people take loans from moneylenders who charge high rates of interest. To save the poor from this situation, efforts have been made to adopt new methods of lending. This is the idea behind the organization of self-sustaining groups. The government gives loans to these groups. It is also the responsibility of the group to repay this loan. Self-sustained clusters help the borrowers to overcome the problem of lack of credit base. They get this loan at a reasonable rate of interest for various purposes from time to time. Due to this the men and women of the village become self-reliant. Through the regular meetings of the group, people get a medium where they discuss and become aware of various social issues like health, nutrition and violence etc.