Maths Subject Eligibility for 2025 Exams

Find all the latest details related to CBSE Class 10 and 12 exam.
November 14, 2024

CBSE 2025: Class 10 and 11 Maths Subject Eligibility

The Central Board of Secondary Education has provided relief to students of CBSE Class 10 who have opted for Basic Maths (041). Students can now choose math in Class 11 as recommended by the National Education Policy (NEP). 

Click to View the Revised CBSE Circular

As per the 2019 circular, CBSE introduced two levels of math for Class 10 students: students can opt for Maths Standard if they're planning to continue with advanced math in Classes 11 and 12, otherwise, students opting for Basic Maths can only choose Applied Maths in further classes. 

  • The two levels of Examination will be held in the subject of Mathematics in the Board examination for Class X in the year 2020 and the same shall not apply to the internal assessment in Class X.  
  • There shall not be two levels of Assessment/Examination for class IX.  
  • The first level would be the same as the existing one, and the other would be an easier level.  
  • The nomenclature for the two Examinations will be; Mathematics-Standard for the existing level of examination, and Mathematics-Basic for the easier level of examination.  
  • The syllabus, classroom teaching and internal assessment for both the levels of examination would remain the same; so that the students get an opportunity to study the whole range of topics throughout the year and are able to decide upon the level of Board examination depending upon their aptitude and abilities.  
  • The Standard level will be meant for students who wish to opt for Mathematics at Sr. Secondary level and the Basic level will be for students not keen to pursue Mathematics at higher levels. A student will have the right to choose between the two levels of Examination at the time of submission of the List of Candidates (LoC) by the affiliated school to the Board online.

Click to View the 2019 CBSE Circular

However, schools must carefully evaluate whether each student has the skills needed to succeed in advanced math. Additionally, no further changes can be made once students have selected their subjects for Class 10 in the academic session 2024-25. Therefore, students, parents, and school staff need to make these choices thoughtfully.

<red>October 24th, 2024<red>

CBSE 2024: The Board has Released the Mark Distribution

As per the official announcement, the CBSE board exams for 2025 will commence on February 25, 2025. The practical and annual board theory exams also begin on January 1st, 2025. To help the board-affiliated educational institutions in making mistakes while uploading marks, CBSE has released the marks distribution scheme for Practical/Project/Internal Assessment in Classes 10 and 12. 

The list includes

S.No Details
1. Class
2. Subject Code
3. Subject Name
4. Maximum Marks Theory Examination
5. Maximum Marks Practical Examination
6. Maximum Marks Project Assessment
7. Maximum Marks Internal Assessment (|A)
8. Whether an External Examiner will be
appointed for practical/project assessment
9. Whether the Board will provide a Practical
10. Type of Answer Book that will be used
in Theory Examinations

In the circular- The maximum marks allotted to each subject is 100 (one hundred), with marks distributed among theory, practical, project, and IA components as per the details given in the list. For the main subjects, the list is given below.

CBSE Class 10 Marks Distribution

CBSE Class 12 Marks Distribution

Students can check the bifurcation on the official website- 

CBSE Class 10 Marking Scheme

CBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme

Students can start preparing using the newly launched Educart Sample Papers, which provide a step-wise mark breakdown for every question along with detailed explanations, concept maps, and 50% competency-based questions. 

<red>June 29th, 2024<red>

Supplementary Exam Date 2024 Released: Download the PDF Now!

This article is to provide 10th and 12th-grade students with an insight into the CBSE Supplementary Exam Date 2024, released officially, and some important instructions and timings. 

The Compartment Exams 2024 date sheet for Class 10th and 12th is announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education, a.k.a. CBSE. The starting date of the Class 10 re-examination is decided to be July 15th, 2024, and the ending date would be July 22, 2024, while the 12th class re-examination would only be on one date, i.e., July 15th, 2024. The results will be declared post-examination.

After the result announcement, some of the students scored fewer marks, just passing marks, or even below passing marks, so CBSE gave them a golden chance to score well this time by giving the compartment exam 2024. The CBSE re-examination date sheet includes exam dates, timings, important instructions, and other specific details.

The CBSE board has released the compartment exam admit card, timetable, and other details on their official website, 

Date-sheet / Timings Class 10th Supplementary Exam:

Class 10 (Subject) Date of Board Exams 2024
Social Science July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Hindi ‘A’ July 16th, 2024, Tuesday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Hindi ‘B’ July 16th, 2024, Tuesday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Science July 18th, 2024, Thursday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Maths (Basic) July 19th, 2024, Friday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Maths (Standard) July 19th, 2024, Friday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
English Language
& Literature
July 20th, 2024, Saturday
English Communicative July 20th, 2024, Saturday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Sanskrit July 22nd, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Computer Applications July 22nd, 2024, Monday
(10:00 PM- 12:30 PM)

Date-sheet / Timings Class 12th Supplementary Exam:

Class 12 (Subject) Date of Board Exam 2024
Hindi Core July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
English Core July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Chemistry July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Physics July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Mathematics July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Applied Mathematics July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Physical Education July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Biology July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Economics July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Business Studies July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Accountancy July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)
Psychology July 15th, 2024, Monday
(10:30 PM- 01:30 PM)

How to Download the Date Sheet for Compartment Exam Class 10th and 12th, 2024

Students can download the compartment exam date sheet by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official CBSE website at
  2. Navigate to the "Examinations" section.
  3. Click on the link for "Compartment Exam Date Sheet 2024".
  4. Download and print the date sheet for reference.

Information about the 2024 CBSE 10th and 12th Supplementary Exams :

  • The CBSE compartment exam registration process has been closed, with the schools cooperating and submitting the necessary applications on behalf of eligible students.
  • Eligible students are students who have failed in 1 or 2 subjects for class 10 and in 1 subject for class 12. They will be required to appear for the re-examination to save their academic year.
  • Importantly, students who have failed in three or more subjects are not eligible for a re-exam (compartment exam) and will have to repeat their class on the 10th or 12th.
  • There is a list of 32 subjects by CBSE, out of which the student has to choose any 2 subjects for clearing compartment or for mark improvement.
  • The CBSE class 10 supplementary exam results will be available in August 2024.

Students can download the 10th and 12th compartment exam date sheet 2024 PDF from the CBSE official website, or read the full article and download it from here itself!

Details about the 10th class Compartment Exam

The dates released by CBSE officially for the 10th Supplemental Exam 2024 are from July 15th, 2024, to July 22nd, 2024. The total students appearing for the 10th re-exam out of 2,54,507 students eligible for the compartment exam altogether is a huge figure; check below:

CBSE Board Class 10th Supplementary
Exam number of students

Details about the 12th class Compartment Exam

The Class 12th Supplemental Exam 2024 will be held on just one day, i.e., July 15, 2024. 

The total students appearing for the 12th re-exam out of 2,54,507 students eligible for the compartment exam altogether is a huge figure; check below:

CBSE Board Class 12th Supplementary
Exam number of students

Preparation Tips for Students

For effective preparation for compartment examinations in 2024, students should follow the given tips:

  • Go through the previous question papers. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses by attempting the papers.
  • Create a study plan based on your evaluation. Allow more time on the weak areas.
  • Use revision notes, YouTube videos, and reliable reference books along with NCERT for preparation. 
  • Include sample papers and previous year's papers to prepare as per the exam pattern. 

The students who want to improve their marks can also register for the supplementary examination as private candidates. Download the datesheets and start preparing for the CBSE exams. 

All the Best!

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