CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025-26: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

March 24, 2025

1. Do I need to separately pass both practical and theory examinations in the CBSE Board?

Ans: Passing criteria are as given below:-

(a) In class X, students are required to secure 33% marks to pass by combining marks of both theory and internal assessment.

(b)In class XII, students are required to secure 33% marks separately in theory and practical examinations.

2. Does CBSE repeat questions from previous years?

Ans: If any student has good knowledge of the subject then it makes no difference whether the question is old or new. Hence, prepare well and forget the rest.

3. How can one score 90 percent or above in CBSE board exams?

Ans: First of all don’t run behind the marks and percentage. Gaining knowledge needs to be the motive of schooling and also to become a good human being.

However, for securing good marks, the following are a few suggestions: -

  • You should be regular in the school and attend your classes. Teachers are working hard to prepare their students in addition to making them a good human being.
  • Make a suitable study plan for an entire year and also for the last few months before the examinations based on your preparedness for each subject.
  • Do several mock tests, assess your performance and improve the areas which you find difficult.
  • Revision by writing answers will make you more confident.
  • Plan strategies subject-wise based on Sample Question Papers of each subject to assess the time required to attempt each answer so that you can attempt all questions and you have time to revise.
  • Also, take care of your diet, exercise and entertainment too.

4. How does step-wise marking work in CBSE Mathematics papers?

Ans: In all the subjects, for evaluation, the marking scheme is prepared by the CBSE. In Mathematics also, a detailed marking scheme is prepared. There are a few steps which are considered important to solve the questions in Maths. Without these steps generally, the question cannot be solved. These steps are also value points and if the students have mentioned these value points, marks are awarded, otherwise not.

5. What are the top 5 tips for CBSE exam preparation?

Ans: The following are the tips for CBSE exam preparation:-

  • One should be regular in the school and must attend classes regularly.
  • Make a suitable study plan for an entire year and the last few months before the examinations based on your preparedness for each subject.
  • Do several mock tests, assess your performance and improve the weak areas.
  • Revision by writing answers will make you more confident.
  • Plan strategies subject-wise based on the Sample Question Paper of each subject to assess the time required to attempt each answer so that you can attempt all questions and have time to revise.

6. Does CBSE provide grace marks?

Ans: The Board examinations are to test the knowledge of the students gained during the academic year. If a student has secured 33% marks, the student is declared a pass. If any student is not able to achieve 33% marks and misses out by 01 mark or so, dthe ecision may be taken to award the grace mark(s).

7. What is the word limit for 10-mark questions in language subjects? Are marks deducted for exceeding the word limit?

Ans: The word limit for 10-mark questions in language subjects will be as desired in the question itself. Generally, the word limit is mentioned in the question. However, it's best to check with your specific curriculum or exam guidelines.

Marks are not deducted, however, marks will not be awarded too. So, why to write? Also, think twice and then write an answer keeping in view the value points.

Following could be the outcome of writing excess:-

  • It might lead to straying from the main point or including unnecessary details, which can affect the clarity and focus of your answer.
  • Exceeding the limit might take up more time, which could affect the rest of the exam.
  • To be on the safe side, it's always better to stick to the recommended word limit or ensure your answer is clear, precise, and directly addresses the question without unnecessary elaboration.

8. Writing quotes in an essay question in Hindi or English without mentioning its author, will affect the marks.

Ans: Please understand that in Board examinations, questions are quite clear and demand specific answers. So, please understand the question and answer only after giving proper thought. If you consider that the answer demands the writing of quotes, you may mention the same.

Sample Question Papers and the marking schemes will help you understand more and thus advised to consult these two vital documents.

9. In passage questions, should I copy answers as exactly given in the question or should I write on my own? What would fetch me more marks?

Ans: In passage-based questions, it's generally better to paraphrase or rephrase the answers in your own words rather than copying them exactly from the passage. Why it is so:-

  • When you rephrase or summarize the passage in your own words, it shows that you truly understand the content, rather than just copying it word-for-word. This is a key skill in language exams and the same is envisaged in NEP.
  • Paraphrasing often allows you to present the answer more clearly and concisely, which can make your response more effective. Sometimes, direct copying might make the answer unnecessarily long or unclear.
  • Copying the passage exactly can sometimes lead to repetition, especially if you're simply taking long quotes from the text.
  • In examinations, marks are awarded not just for accuracy but also for the way you express your thoughts. Rewriting in your own words can demonstrate better language skills and writing proficiency.

You can combine both strategies—use your own words for the explanation and analysis, but include key phrases or short quotes from the passage when necessary.

10. It is said by teachers that if a student does not know a maths question but knows its formula, they should write it as an answer. Will CBSE give half marks for writing formulas if a student does not know the answer?

Ans: In CBSE, generally a step-marking system is followed, which means that even if you don't get the final answer to a math question, you can still earn partial marks for the correct use of formulas, the correct method, or mentioning the desired step provided it’s clearly laid out.

In math, showing the steps clearly is important. If you write the formula and attempt the subsequent steps (even if you make mistakes in the calculation), you could earn partial credit for the effort generally.

However, just writing a formula isn’t enough to fetch the marks.

11. What happens if a student is not well, right before the CBSE class 12 exam and is not in a position to write the exam? Will CBSE arrange some scribes for them or will they have to appear for re-test?

Ans: There are 5 mandatory subjects in both Class X and Class XII. A student needs to appear and qualify in all 5 subjects to be declared qualified. The following are the possibilities:-

  • If a class X student is not able to appear in two examinations, the student will be placed in the Compartment Category and allowed to appear in Supplementary examinations held in July every year.
  • If a class XII student is not able to appear in one examination, the student will be placed in the Compartment Category and allowed to appear in Supplementary examinations held in July every year.
  • If a student is not able to appear in any examination, in CBSE, next year opportunity is made available to appear in the Board examination as a private candidate.
  • Further, if a student is not able to appear in any examination of the CBSE but an Admit Card was issued, NIOS provides a facility to them to appear in all 5 examinations in the same year. The certificate will be issued by the NIOS.

12. Can I attempt questions in any sequence in my answer book?

Ans: The following is very important in Board examinations:-

  • Always clearly write the correct question number before attempting it at the space provided for the same, even if you are not following the order of the question paper. This helps the examiner to easily identify which question you are answering.
  • While you can change the sequence, ensure your answer sheet is neat and organized. Avoid overwriting or scribbling, and maintain clear spacing between answers.
  • If you have replied to a question twice, please cross the question which you do not wish to be evaluated.
  • Plan your time effectively. If you are attempting questions out of order, make sure you allocate enough time for all questions, especially those you are attempting later.
  • It's often a good strategy to begin with the questions you are most confident about. This can help you gain confidence and score well.
  • Before attempting a question, regardless of the sequence, read it thoroughly to understand what is being asked.
  • Don't get distracted by the order of questions. Focus on providing accurate and well-presented answers.

Remember, the most important thing is to present your answers clearly and accurately, regardless of the sequence.

13. Will making diagrams in subjects like science or geography help in getting extra marks?

Ans: You may be aware that in any examination, time management is the most important factor for quality performance. Along with time management, it is also desired that the most appropriate reply is given based on the requirement of the question. Accordingly, not only in Science and Geography but in any other subject too, if the diagram is required and it is considered as a value point, only then the diagram be drawn in the answer. Otherwise, there is no need to waste time on the matter which is not going to fetch you marks.

14. If I have managed to pass a subject but want to appear for the subject again to improve my marks, can I sit in the CBSE-conducted re-test?

Ans: CBSE is not only a pace-setting International Board but it is child-centric also. Therefore the following schemes for Improvement of Performance in classes X & XII are available:-

i) A student who has appeared in class X Main Board Examination conducted in February-March, if wishes to improve their performance, he/she may do so in upto 02 subjects by appearing in the Supplementary Examination conducted by the CBSE in July after the declaration of results of main examinations.

ii) A student who has appeared in the class XII Main Board Examination conducted in February-March, and wishes to improve the performance, he/she may do so in upto 01 subject by appearing in the Supplementary Examination conducted by the CBSE in July after the declaration of the result of main examinations.

iii) If a student wishes to improve performance in more than two subjects in one go in class X and more than one subject in one go in class XII, they are allowed to appear in any number of subjects as per the scheme of studies in the next year's Main Examination.

15. What happens if some information is incorrectly printed on my admit card? Will this affect my results?

Ans: The Admit Card is generated as an Identity Card for examinations based on the information submitted by the sponsoring school about the candidate. This information is collected by the school from the student in the Admission Form and also about the subjects offered by the students for submission in List of Candidates i.e. examination form. All vital information which is required for entering into the examination centre and managing the conduct of examination by the centre school is provided on the Admit Card. If there is any information which is claimed to be incorrect, it is not going to affect the result of the candidate in any manner. However, it is always advised that this matter should be reported to your school so that the school can request CBSE for required correction so that passing documents are issued with the correct information.

16. Does writing with different pens, highlighting and underlining help to score good marks?

Ans: The performance in any examination depends upon the quality of answers given by a candidate. Good handwriting and sometimes highlighting important points could help the evaluator quickly understand the answers given by the candidate. In CBSE it is stated that only blue colour ink is to be used by a candidate for writing the answers in the answer booklet. It is advised that before the examination, the practice may be done to write the reply in the correct format and in legible handwriting, which could be easily understood by the evaluator. If handwriting is not good, sometimes there is a possibility that it is not understood correctly by an evaluator.

17. When is the CBSE 10th result 2025?

Ans: The results are announced in May or June for CBSE Class 10 board exams. Stay updated for unexpected changes if they happen.

18. How to check my CBSE board class 10 copy?

To get a copy of the CBSE Class 10 board exam answer sheet, you must request it through the official CBSE website. Log in with your credentials, submit the request, and ensure you have also applied for mark verification in that subject, as the answer sheet will only be accessible under this condition.

19. How to check the CBSE 10 results?

Students can check their results from the result link that will be provided on the official CBSE website. They need to submit their login credentials to check the scores.

20. How to check the All India Rank in the CBSE class 10?

CBSE has stopped releasing the topper's list for the board exams.

21. Is it very hard to pass the 10th-class board exams?

No, it isn't difficult to pass the 10th-grade board exams with the right resources and method of preparation.

22. When will be CBSE Class 10th result declared?

CBSE Class 10th result is declared in May or June every year, depending on the situation at that time.

23. Is it possible to get 100% in the class 10 CBSE?

Yes, it is possible to get 100% in the Class 10 CBSE. Start preparing from the right resources like CBSE Sample Papers at the right time by following a timetable.

24. Can we use a black pen in the CBSE class 10 board exam?

In CBSE board exams, using black pens is generally not permitted. Instead, students should use blue or royal blue pens for writing their answers.

25. Will computer marks be added to the CBSE class 10 finals?

If you take computer applications as an additional subject in CBSE Class 10, the marks will be included in your final results. These marks can also be part of your overall percentage calculation if computer applications are among your "best of five" subjects.

26. What if I fail in 1 subject on the class 10 board?

If you fail in one subject, you can appear for a compartment exam, which is usually held within a few months to give you a chance to improve your results.

27. Where can I get the CBSE class 10 English deleted syllabus?

Many educational websites like Educart include the changes, like deleted or added topics, in syllabus updates. Students can also compare the previous year's syllabus to the recent one to understand the changes.

28. Are the class 10 CBSE board exams easy or hard?

The Class 10 CBSE board exam is moderately difficult. The entire paper is based on the NCERT Class 10 textbooks.

29. Does the CBSE fail students in class 10?

Yes, the board can fail students in CBSE Class 10 board exams.

30. Are CBSE board papers tough in class 10?

No, CBSE board exams are based entirely on NCERT textbooks.

31. How hard it is to be a topper in class 10th CBSE board?

Every year, there are more than 1 student who scores 100%. Just prepare and give your best in the exams.

32. Do we get unexpected marks in class 10 boards?

Yes, students can get unexpected marks in class 10 board exams for answering questions or many other scenarios.

33. Are CBSE class 10 marks very important?

Yes, CBSE Class 10 marks are important for choosing the stream for professional choices.

34. Which sample papers are best for the class 10 CBSE exams?

Sample papers released by the CBSE are considered among the best resources. Students can also include Educart Sample Papers for Class 10.

35. Are boards compulsory for class 10 CBSE?

Yes, the board exam is compulsory for Class 10 CBSE.

36. Are boards tougher than pre-board class 10?

No, the pre-boards in class 10 are slightly tougher than the board exams. The school keeps it slightly difficult to prepare students for the upcoming board exams.

37. I failed the 10th CBSE exam. What should I do next?

The student may have to repeat the session and have to clear the exams to get promoted to the next class.

38. Is 91% in the 10th CBSE board exam good?

Yes, 91% is a really good score in the 10th CBSE board exam.

39. How can I complete 10th class in CBSE in 3 to 4 months?

You can't complete the entire CBSE Class 10 syllabus in 3 to 4 months. Just watch one-shot videos for important chapters and practice using sample papers.

40. Should we use the best 5 rule in class 10?

The "Best of Five" system isn't officially recognized for admissions or other formal purposes. For instance, if you're applying to a different school after the 10th grade, they won’t consider your "Best of Five" percentage. Instead, they’ll look at your scores in the five main subjects, or sometimes six. While your school might use the "Best of Five" to display your results in newspapers or on school notice boards, beyond that, it doesn’t hold much importance for your 10th-grade result.

41. Is the CBSE class 10 syllabus going to change?

It is unpredictable, but the board is introducing new changes based on the NEP 2020 to eradicate rote learning and improve critical thinking skills.

42. Do class 10 marks really matter in the future?

Class 10 marks matter to selecting the stream in Class 11; otherwise, they serve as a date of birth proof in the later cases.

43. Do I need to buy an English reference book for class 10?

There isn't particular need to buy an English reference book. Although students can refer to the Class 10 One Shot English Question Bank to practice important questions from all the major resources.

44. How difficult is class 11 in CBSE compared to class 10?

Class 11 is the foundation for university admission and focuses on a single stream, so it's a bit more difficult than Class 10.

45. Is class 10 really easier than class 9?

Yes, Class 10 is relatively easier than Class 9. The foundation is created in Class 9, whereas a few advanced concepts are taught in Class 10.

46. What did you do after your class 10 board exam?

Students usually start joining coaching classes after getting the career counselling based on their expected result.

47. Will class 10 books be useful for the class 11 CBSE?

Yes, class 10 books provide foundational knowledge that is often built upon in class 11. Subjects like math, science, and English have concepts that transition smoothly from class 10 to class 11. However, you may need to refer to class 11-specific books to understand the new syllabus. You can check out these Class 10 books from Educart to ace your syllabus completion and better exam result.

48. From where can I get CBSE 10 previous exam papers?

You can get CBSE class 10 previous exam papers from The board provides previous year papers with marking schemes to help students understand exam patterns.

49. Can I pass class 10 with just previous year papers?

No, CBSE Class 10 Previous Year Papers aren't sufficient if you wish to pass the board exams. There are high chances that some questions might be included but are uncertain.

50. Who makes the question paper for class 10 CBSE board?

The question papers for class 10 CBSE board exams are made by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The board formulates the papers based on the syllabus released for each subject and follows a specific pattern to ensure fair and balanced evaluation.

51. Are previous exam papers helpful for the 10th board exams?

Yes, previous exam papers are extremely helpful for class 10 board exams. They familiarize you with the exam format, help identify important topics, and improve your time management skills.

52. Which is the best question bank for class 10 CBSE science?

Educart's CBSE Science Question Bank is a great choice. It offers chapter-wise questions with solutions, previous year papers, and practice tests. This helps students grasp the core concepts and strengthens their preparation for both theory and practical exams.

53. CBSE Class 10: Is the last 10 years papers enough to get 35?

The last 10 years' papers provide valuable insight into the types of questions asked, but to ensure a score of 35 or more, include sample papers, like those from Educart, to strengthen your preparation.

54. What is the best PYQ book name for class 10?

Educart’s "CBSE One Shot Question Banks" is a top choice. It includes important past-year papers with solutions, giving students a clear understanding of the exam pattern and the kind of questions that may appear in the board exams.

55. When will the CBSE class 10 results for 2025 be declared?

The CBSE class 10 results are typically declared in May or June. Exact dates are announced by the board on the official CBSE website. Keep an eye on updates through CBSE notifications.

56. Are 10 CBSE board results declared online?

Yes, CBSE class 10 results are declared online. You can check your results on the official CBSE website or through various result portals using your roll number, school code, and other details.

57. In the class 10, is Hindi compulsory or not?

Yes, Hindi is one of the compulsory subjects for most students in class 10 CBSE.

58. Is 9 months enough for the CBSE class 10 board exam?

Yes, 9 months is generally enough to prepare for the class 10 board exams, provided you follow a disciplined study schedule. Using structured materials like Educart’s study guides, sample papers, and previous year papers can optimize your preparation during this time. To ease this, we have made a Roadmap for Board Exams class 10, students can follow the same for 2025 Board Exams

59. Is the correction strict in the 10th boards?

Yes, CBSE follows a strict evaluation process. However, students can ensure they score well by answering according to the prescribed format and writing clear, concise answers.

60. I got 70% in class 10. Will it affect my career?

A 70% score in class 10 is a decent result and will not negatively affect your career. Focus on performing well in class 12 and beyond. You can also seek guidance from career counselors and plan your future path with proper strategy. Educart can help with class 11 and 12 preparation as well.

61. Can I change from ICSE to CBSE for class 10 in 2025-26?

Yes, you can switch from ICSE to CBSE for class 10, but it requires coordination with both your current and new schools. The syllabus may have slight differences, so transitioning early and understanding the new curriculum will help.

62. Does a student fail in class 10?

Yes, a student can fail in class 10. If a student does not clear the exams, they can appear for supplementary exams or reappear in the following year.

63. Do first term marks matter in class 10?

The final exams are conducted at the end of the year, i.e., in March only for Class 10. The exams, like the first term, are included in internal assessment, comprising 20 or 30 marks depending on the subject.

64. Which is the best sample paper for class 10 CBSE Maths?

CBSE sample papers are beneficial; students can also include Educart’s comprehensive set of Class 10 sample papers books, and previous year papers can help you gauge your preparation level.

65. Are 30 sample papers enough for class 10 boards?

While practicing 30 sample papers is beneficial, it’s important to focus on the quality of the papers as well. Include resources like CBSE and Educart.

66. Is upstream and downstream in the syllabus of class 10?

Yes, upstream and downstream are part of the CBSE Class 10 syllabus, especially in the chapter related to speed, time, and distance in physics and mathematics.

67. Is it necessary to take practical exams for class 10?

Yes, practical exams are an essential part of the class 10 CBSE curriculum for subjects like science and computer science. These exams contribute to the final marks and are mandatory for students to pass.

68. How would the class 10th CBSE board paper be corrected?

CBSE board papers are corrected by external evaluators who follow the official marking scheme. Each section of the paper is marked separately, with specific marks assigned to each question according to its difficulty and word limit.

69. What is the toughest set in CBSE 10th exams?

The difficulty of the exam set varies each year, but students often find the Science and Mathematics sets challenging due to the application of complex formulas and concepts.

70. Is the science exam in class 10 difficult or easy?

The science exam in class 10 CBSE is considered moderately difficult, depending on the student’s preparation. It includes both theoretical and practical sections, so regular study, concept clarity, and practice are essential.

71. What is the hardest question of class 10 in Maths?

The hardest questions in class 10 math often come from topics like trigonometry, probability, and geometry, which require in-depth understanding and practice. Regular practice of these topics using resources like Educart's Maths question bank will help you tackle these challenges effectively.

72. What type of questions are asked in CBSE class 10?

CBSE class 10 exams typically include a variety of questions such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Short Answer Questions (SAs), Long Answer Questions (LAs), and Case Study-based Questions. The exams test your conceptual understanding, application of knowledge, and writing skills.

73. Which is the best Maths book for class 10 on the CBSE board?

Educart's Maths Question bank book for class 10 is highly recommended as it offers a comprehensive approach with detailed explanations, solved examples, and practice questions that align with the CBSE syllabus and exam patterns.

74. Which chapter is difficult in Maths for class 10?

Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry are generally considered the most difficult chapters in class 10 math due to their complex formulas and problem-solving techniques.

75. How to become AIR-1 in CBSE class 10?

CBSE has stopped releasing the topper's list for the board exams. To become an AIR-1, follow a structured study plan, solve previous year papers, take mock tests, and focus on time management. Educart’s books and sample papers can help you practice efficiently and improve your performance.

76. Will CBSE syllabus be again reduced for class 10 like ICSE?

Based on NEP 2020, CBSE has occasionally reduced the syllabus. Always refer to the official CBSE guidelines for updates on syllabus changes.

77. How to prepare for social science class 10?

Revise the chapters regularly, make notes, and practice previous year papers. Educart’s Social Science books offer detailed explanations and practice questions, which will help in better retention of facts and concepts.

78. How early should I finish my syllabus for the class 10 boards?

Ideally, aim to finish the Class 10 CBSE Syllabus at least 2-3 months before the exam. This gives you enough time to revise, practice sample papers, and clear any doubts. Early completion of the syllabus also reduces stress during the final days of preparation.

79. How to prepare for a social science class 10 exam in one day?

If you're preparing for Social Science in one day, focus on important chapter summaries and key points from history, geography, civics, and economics. Practice with CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers to familiarize yourself with the question format and improve time management during the exam.

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