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CBSE Sample Question Papers & Marking Scheme for 2024-25 Released

September 5, 2024

CBSE has released the official sample question papers (SQPs) and marking scheme for the 2024-25 board exams, in alignment with the NEP 2020 guidelines. The focus remains on competency-based education. For Class 10, no changes have been made to the overall paper pattern, with 50% of the questions being competency-based, and more internal choices provided. For Class 12, there's a notable 10% increase in competency-based questions, now constituting 50% of the paper, while the number of constructed response questions, including short and long-answer types, has decreased.

Deconstructing the sample papers further, more assertion- and reasoning-based questions have been added to the English paper, while in Maths, the number of graph and figure-based questions has increased.

Read the full analysis of the recently released CBSE SQP here

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