CBSE Sample Question Papers & Marking Scheme for 2024-25 Released

September 5, 2024

CBSE has released the official sample question papers (SQPs) and marking scheme for the 2024-25 board exams, in alignment with the NEP 2020 guidelines. For the 2024-25 academic year's CBSE Class 10 board exam sample papers, the board has not made any changes to the question format, except for adding questions for visually impaired students. The total number of questions remains unchanged, but some questions now offer internal choices. The overall structure of the paper, including the number of sections, remains the same.

CBSE Class10 Reference books based on the latest pattern

For the 2024-25 Class 12 Sample Question Papers (SQP), there are a few minor changes in both the questions and the marking scheme for board exams.

Subjects like English now include two additional Assertion/Reason (A/R) questions in the objective section. In Mathematics, there are more graph and figure-based questions, but the total number of questions in most subjects remains unchanged.

CBSE Class12 Reference books based on the latest pattern

Read the full analysis of the latest CBSE SQP here 

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