Class 10 Preparation Topper Tips: How to Best Use Your First Two Months?

Build a strong foundation for smooth academic journey ahead
March 10, 2023

For students class 10 can be challenging because Board Exams start in this class which is important from the future point of view. 

The marks of board exams will decide which subjects students will study in class 11. They will choose from different streams such as Science, Commerce, and Humanities.

Therefore, it is essential to start an academic year with a clear mindset and structured approach. The beginning of secondary education can be exciting and overwhelming so don’t make wrong decisions. 

What are these wrong decisions? And how to start preparation for class 10th students?

Read the article to know. Explore the class 10 preparation tips and best ways to build new habits, handle the vast syllabus, and also enjoy the year of boards.

Wrong Decisions That Most Students Make In Start

As discussed above, board exams start in class 10 and for most of the students board exams are the toughest. Which is not true. 

So, to score full marks students start solving tough questions, sample papers and follow a tough routine without knowing where to start and where to end. 

Here are different mistakes that students make.

Class 10 Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint

This statement states that class 10 is a long term game (marathon) which requires strategy and consistent work, rather than intense studying before one day of exam. Set realistic goals and put daily efforts for an extended period of time. 

Slow and steady wins, take small but consistent steps

One can achieve this by developing good study habits, learning time management, and taking small but regular steps to clear the exam with desired marks. 

Some students don’t take studies seriously in the starting months and start studying in the last few months. This strategy can be beneficial for short-terms goals but not for long term. 

Hence, be a part of a marathon not a sprint. 

Ease Into The Process

To study, follow a gradual approach and don’t put undue pressure on yourself by practising difficult questions and sample papers right from the start. 

Checklist of tasks follow to complete the daily study goals

Start with simple concepts and questions to get confidence and start slowly towards more challenging questions. It will also give you an opportunity to identify the areas where you need more practice. 

Without any proper knowledge or practice, solving tough questions can lead to frustration and demotivation. The same will happen if you will focus more on memorization instead of learning the concepts. 

Therefore, students should use a measured approach to study and make a way to move on to more difficult concepts.

Focus On Basics

When NEP is introduced, the focus of teachers shifts to develop students' critical  and analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. To use these skills, the basic concepts of students should be clear.

Work on basics, confidence and marks both will increase

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has followed the National Education Policy (NEP) from the start, so now more focus is on developing a strong foundation for conceptual clarity and it helps students to solve complex questions. 

The new assignments, projects and tests are designed in a way to promote skills. This can include Maths formulas, historical events, Science periodic table of elements, and English grammar concepts. By understanding the basics students can fill the gap where they are lacking in studies. 

Therefore, prioritise developing a strong foundation in order to improve the exam performances.

Only Time Where You Don’t Have Any Pressure

Starting an academic period is a best time where you don’t have any pressure of studies, so utilise this time by focusing more on building foundation, analysing your core areas and improving weaknesses. 

In initial two months students don’t have much pressure of studies

Also, the first few weeks are important to set the tone for the rest of the academic year. Students who focus on prioritising their studies, goals and set habits are likely to have a more smooth and better academic year overall.

However, this time period is less stressful so students don’t waste their time and seriously set themselves up for success in upcoming months.

Material to Follow for Class 10 Preparation

Before starting a new academic session, students must have these study materials for better understanding of class lectures. Also in coming months, students need all the below material for smooth learning.

Class 10 Syllabus

Class 10 All Subject NCERT Books

CBSE Class 10 Official Sample Papers

Class 10 Previous Year Papers of Past 10 Years

Class 10 Toppers Answer Sheet

Class 10 Toppers Tips


To prepare themselves ahead, the initial two months of class 10 are crucial for students. Take advantage of this time and make the most of it by creating good habits and analysing the individual learning speed. 

This will help students to tackle challenges in the session, so approach this time with a more positive attitude and a willingness for the best year of class 10.


When should I start studying for Class 10?

As every student has a different learning speed so there is no fixed time to start. But starting early will help all students to cover the syllabus, and topics from books other than NCERT. Also have sufficient time for revision.

How many hours do toppers study?

Toppers study for 8-10 hours during exams and 4-5 hours on regular days, but toppers' secret is they are consistent with their studies. They learn, revise and test, and it's a loop. Anyone can follow this and get desired results. 

Why am I so slow in studying?

The reason can be not having a strong basic foundation, which leads to a slow process of information. Sometimes there are certain topics which require time such as geometry in maths and chemical reaction in science.

CBSE Class 10 Previous Years Question Papers

Maths StandardScienceSocial ScienceEnglishHindi A
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