Proven Techniques to Score High Using Sample Question Papers for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2024

Integrate these sample papers to prepare sustainably for this year’s board exams.
January 30, 2024

<red> January 30th, 2024 <red>

Everywhere we go, it’s this scenario 👇:

  • Majority of students want to top the Class 10 board exams but they don’t know how.
  • They have bought a multitude of sample question paper books but don’t know how to use them.
  • Many even wonder if they crammed up the last two or three sample papers, they will score above 90 percent in the final exams. 

CBSE Class 10 sample papers are reliable study material that shed light on the latest exam pattern and marking scheme. They help students in learning how to attempt any typology question strategically. However, scoring above 90 percent in the board exams depends on how students make the best out of this valuable tool.

Let’s look at how to make the best out of Class 10 sample papers for every subject and well, you might be the next topper.

Class 10 Board Exams: Subject-wise Preparation Tips

CBSE Class 10 curriculum mainly includes five important subjects - languages(English and Hindi), Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Students can choose between Information Technology, Sanskrit, and other subjects that the institution offers as their elective subjects. 

Language Subjects (English & Hindi)

Hands Down! English and Hindi are literally the most easy-scoring subjects in the Class 10 board exams. Students start preparing for it at the end moment and score average marks.

CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper Blueprint

As the image above explains, the Language subjects include listening, reading, speaking, and creative writing skills. The external exam of 80 marks and the internal constituting 20 marks, concludes the totality of 100 in the final examination.

Techniques to Practice Using Sample Question Paper

  • Analyze the sample question papers and understand the marks weightage for every topic. 
  • Understand how every typology is attempted in every section. 
  • Attempt a sample question paper, students can divide it into sections- Reading, Writing, and Literature. Solve the paper without looking at the given answers. 
  • Now compare with the solved papers and understand where it is lacking. The self-evaluation chart will make the evaluation process easy.
  • Highlight the typology you are facing difficulties or the questions you were not able to attempt. 
  • Practice regularly to overcome the drawbacks. 

The language paper might be lengthy or many students waste the extra 15 minutes given in the final examination. Use those 15 minutes effectively to read the entire paper and go through the comprehension/discursive passage to find the related answers.


Class 10 Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects to prepare for the final examination. Students either find themselves stuck in understanding the concept, and formulas or while attempting a question. Many aren’t even able to complete the exam or find themselves wondering where they have lost the marks when they have attempted the question right.

Class 10 Sample Paper Marks Breakdown Chart

The self-evaluation chart can help students in getting a clear idea of how to attempt the questions and not lose the marks. 

Techniques to Practice Using 10 Class Sample Paper

  • Understand the marks breakdown for every question and understand how it is attempted.
  • Identify the weak areas after attempting every question to avoid making the same mistake.
  • Make a list of all the formulas used in the paper.
  • Understand the type of questions formulated in the objective-based typology to understand the concepts better.
  • Highlight all the questions that you were unable to attempt to prepare later.

The preparation for the Class 10 Mathematics exam includes regular practice. Students can include Class 10 CBSE Sample Papers to boost exam preparation.


Class 10 Science board examination includes questions from all three- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Solving numerals, remembering diagrams, or understanding the concepts like why planets don’t have their lights. Preparing for the Science exam requires every student to strengthen their concept understanding and its practical usage. 

Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Visual Mind Map

The revision maps are designed to help students grasp the concepts visually. It is a fact that students remember the images and diagrams they have seen better than what they have read.

Techniques to Practice Using Sample Question Paper

  • Break down the revision maps into sections and understand the concepts. At the end, students can integrate the acquired knowledge of the related topic.
  • Try to attempt every question within the time constraint to improve your time management skills. 
  • Understand how the formulas and reactions are applied to the questions. Highlight all the important diagrams and practice drawing them with labels.
  • The related concepts to unattempt questions must be practiced later.

Science isn’t as difficult as many students make it to be, it all depends on the conceptual and practical understanding of the student. Prepare a strategy to boost the exam preparation.

Social Science

The theoretical subject with history, geography, economics, and political science as sub-parts, is what makes students ignore the subject till the end. Remembering important dates, maps, economic trends, and world politics makes the subject difficult for the majority. Students often forget the important details during the exams.

Class 10 Topper Tips for Board Exams

The topper tips given in the sample papers can help in understanding how to prepare and how to attempt the exam. 

Techniques to Practice Using Sample Question Paper Class 10 

  • Students need to practice the map work and with the help of sample papers can highlight the important event asked. 
  • Use revision maps, diagrams, and timelines to understand the related events.
  • Divide the time for all four subjects and try to prepare one at a time using NCERT, and sample papers. 

Understanding the exam pattern and strategic preparation will help in covering and preparing the Class 10 Social Science board exam syllabus.

The last few months are crucial to prepare for the exams and integrating Sample Question Paper Class 10 can increase the probability of scoring high. The sample papers help in preparing for board-level questions and can sharpen problem-solving skills.

The Class 10 exams will commence from February 15th, 2024 as stated in the revised date sheet. CBSE has increased the competency-based questions in the Class 10 CBSE board exams to 50 percent. Students can attempt previous year's questions and the latest-pattern questions from reliable books like Educart.

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