Chapter 5

Class 9
1. Imagine you are living in the 1890s. You belong to a community of nomadic pastoralists and craftsmen. You learn that the Government has declared your community a Criminal Tribe. (a) Describe briefly what you would have felt and done.
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Imagine you are living in the 1890s. You belong to a community of nomadic pastoralists and craftsmen. You learn that the Government has declared your community a Criminal Tribe.

(a) Describe briefly what you would have felt and done.

(b) Write a petition to the local collector explaining why the Act is unjust and how it will affect your life.


(a) The colonial government has declared our community as a Criminal Tribe just because we move from place to place is unjust. By grazing our animals, we are not committing any sort of crime. We need to move from one place to another to find forage for our animals. The government has to remove our community name from the list of criminal tribes because we pastoralists are contributing a lot to society.

(b) Petition to the Collector


We are the natives of Uttrakhand. We rear cattle and sheep and live a pastoral life, that's why we are called pastoralists. But recently, the British government has categorized our and some other communities as Criminal Tribes. We are not committing any crime by grazing our herds. We are just earning our living by selling milk and milk products obtained from our animals. Also, the policemen harass us for bribes for permitting us to take our herds somewhere else for grazing. So, on behalf of my whole community, I request you to remove my tribe's name from the list of Criminal Tribes.

Yours sincerely


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