Chapter 5

Class 9
1. Write a comment on the closure of the forests to grazing from the standpoint of: (a) a forester


Write a comment on the closure of the forests to grazing from the standpoint of:

(a) a forester

(b) a pastoralist


(a) A Forester: As a forester, I must follow the rules of the Forest Act and restrict the entry of pastoralists into the forest. Since I have to ensure the conservation of forests, it is good that pastoralists are not allowed in forests for grazing as this will ensure the growth of trees and vegetation. It is illegal to graze animals in the forest and use forest products. That's why I try to protect the forest and keep an eye on the activities of pastoralists.

(b) A Pastoralists: As a pastoralist, I am not satisfied with the Forest Act because due to restrictions I am not able to get forage for my cattle and things for my use. Earlier our animals used to graze in forests where vegetation is full. But now, due to closure, we have to take our animals far away to find forage. This has caused a lot of inconvenience to us. Some of us have also lost our jobs.

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