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Speak to your grandparents or some other elders in your locality. Ask them if they have any memory of partition or independence or the making of the constitution. What were their fears and hopes about the country at that time? Discuss these in the classroom.
I spoke to my grandfather who is 89 years old. He told me that at the time of Partition of India, they feared the British people and other influences that occupied the country though our own leaders were fighting bravely for our rights and free the country from the British rule.
The struggle of freedom was to rejuvenate our country and to transform our society. The constitution was being drafted. There was a general consensus on issues like inclusion of universal adult franchise, right to freedom and equality and to protecting the rights of minorities in the constitution of independent India. There were fears and anxieties too. The constitution was to be drafted for a huge and diverse country. It was not going to be easy for a country already traumatised by division on religious differences. There was also the challenge of the merger of these princely states, which were independent to decide whether they wanted to merge with India or with Pakistan or remain independent.