Chapter 4

Class 9
Political Science
(a) Which points, other than the ones mentioned above, do you recall about these institutions from the previous class? Discuss in class.
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(a) Which points, other than the ones mentioned above, do you recall about these institutions from the previous class? Discuss in class.

(b) Can you think of a major decision made by your state government? How were the Governor, the Council of Ministers, the state assembly and the courts involved in that decision?


(a) The institutions mentioned above are the President of India, the Prime Minister and the Parliament. Besides the mentioned points, these points have many other functions.

(b) There is one major decision made by the state government i.e. the government of U.P. in 2008 disallowed the Reliance Group to open their retail shops for selling vegetables and fruits in the state, as it could harm the business of small traders.

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