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It is quite common in the US for judges to be nominated on the basis of wellknownpolitical opinions and affiliations. This fictitious advertisement appeared in the US in 2005 when President Bush was considering various candidates for nomination to the US Supreme Court. What does this cartoon say about the independence of the judiciary? Why do such cartoons not appear in our country? Does this demonstrate the independence of our judiciary?
This cartoon depicts that in the views of the US people, the judiciary is not independent. It says that those who support the President and praise him can be candidate for the post of judge of the Supreme Court. For this post, no past experience is needed but only he should know typing. In our country, this type of cartoon doesn't get published because the Indian Judiciary is one of the most independent Judiciaries in the world. The judges of the Supreme Court are elected under the proper constitutional procedure. This is a completely transparent process and doesn't support any particular person.