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Eliamma, Annakutti and Marymol read the section on the President. Each of them had a question. Can you help them in answering these questions?
(i) Eliamma: What happens if the President and the Prime Minister disagree about some policy? Does the view of the Prime Minister always prevail?
(ii) Annakutti: I find it funny that the President is the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces. I doubt if the President can even lift a heavy gun. What is the point in making the President the Commander?
(iii) Marymol: I would say, what is the point in having a President at all if all the real powers are with the Prime Minister?
(i) Answer to Eliammma: Yes, the view of the Prime Minister always prevails. However, if the President doesn't agree to some bill sent to him for approval, he can send it back to the Parliament for reconsideration. Now, if the Parliament approves it again then the President is bound to approve the bill.
(ii) Answer to Annakutti: Here, Supreme Commander refers to the one who gives orders to fight a war. He is not supposed to use arms and ammunition. But he is required to have the wisdom to issue necessary orders.
(iii) Answer to Marymol: The president is important for the country as he is a symbol of the power of the country. He has the power to appoint the Prime Minister, who must have the support of the majority. Besides that, the President has the power to appoint Governors of the states, representing India as Head of State, etc.