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Describe the structure and functioning of nephrons.
Structure of nephron : Nephron is the constructive and functional unit of excretion, its main parts are
1. Bowman capsule : The tip of the nephron is cup-like.
2. Cell bundle : A clump of blood cells formed by the repeated division of the renal artery and renal vein.
3. Renal vein : Blood vessel carrying impure blood to the kidney.
4. Renal artery : Blood vessel carrying pure blood from Bowman's capsule.
5. Tubular part of nephron : The end of the nephron in front of the Hanel's loop coils up to form this part. It has a network of blood cells on its surface.
6. Collecting duct : The end of the nephron meets a tube that leads to the bladder.
Mechanism of action of the nephron :