Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus Released for CBSE 2025 Board Exams

June 1, 2024

Class X Maths Syllabus: What & How to Cover for the CBSE 2025 Board Exam

It is said that mathematics is the language of the universe. Almost all the theories in physics are governed or validated by mathematical verification through derivation. So its importance can’t be underestimated. 

Numbers play a great role in our everyday lives. Whether you are going shopping, planning a family budget, constructing a bridge or building, figuring out the mileage of the car you are going to purchase, decorating your home, landscaping, or anything you can think of, it uses numbers, or involves maths. 

Maths is so important in our lives that taking maths very lightly will cost you badly in the future. This is why studying maths has become important. And if you are going to appear in a CBSE class 10 maths board exam, it becomes more important from an academic point of view.

Good marks in CBSE class X maths can open up great avenues for you in the future. Getting good marks comes with solid foundational studies. What is better than being in the 10th grade to set up a solid foundation?

Students who are appearing in the class 10 board exam must read this article, as we have analysed the CBSE class 10th mathematics syllabus for 2024-25 in detail to help them prepare better not only for their board exam but also for their future. 

What to cover in CBSE 10th Mathematics Syllabus

CBSE recently rationalised its class 10th maths syllabus 2024–2025, and many changes were made to the old syllabus. Below, we are providing a detailed analysis of the class 10 maths syllabus. Go through each topic section-wise, mark or highlight the topics that is still in the syllabus, and cross the topics that have been omitted. 

Click here to read the deleted syllabus of class 10 maths

Class X Maths Syllabus for CBSE 2024–25

In the latest release of CBSE 10th maths syllabus, CBSE has included the following chapters that are to be covered from NCERT book of class 10. Have a look!

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25

S.No. Topic Total Marks
1 Real Numbers
2 Polynomials
3 Pair of Linear Equations In Two Variables
4 Quadratic Equations
5 Arithmetic Progressions
7 Coordinate Geometry
6 Triangles
10 Circles
8 Introduction to Trigonometry
9 Some Applications of Trigonometry
11 Areas Related to Circles
12 Surface Areas And Volumes
13 Statistics
14 Probability

Out of a total of 100 marks, 80 are for the written exam, distributed unit-wise as mentioned above, and 20 are for internal assessment, which is divided as follows:

Pen Paper Test and Multiple Assessment (5+5) 10 Marks
Portfolio 05 Marks
Lab Practical (Lab activities to be done from the prescribed books) 05 Marks

Detailed Class 10th Mathematics Syllabus 2024-2025

Let's delve into the detailed CBSE syllabus topic by topic.

Unit I: Number Systems 

1. Real Numbers

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic – statements after reviewing work done earlier and after illustrating and motivating through examples, Proofs of irrationality 

Unit II: Algebra

1. Polynomials

Zeros of a polynomial. Relationship between zeros and coefficients of quadratic polynomials.

2. Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables 

A pair of linear equations in two variables and the graphical method of their solution: consistency/inconsistency. Algebraic conditions for a number of solutions. The solution of a pair of linear equations in two variables algebraically—by substitution, by elimination. Simple situational problems.

3. Quadratic Equations 

Standard form of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, (a ≠ 0). Solutions of quadratic equations (only real roots) are achieved by factorization and by using quadratic formulas. Relationship between discriminant and nature of roots. Situational problems based on quadratic equations related to day-to-day activities are to be incorporated.

4. Arithmetic Progressions 

Motivation for studying Arithmetic Progression Derivation of the nth term and sum of the first n terms of A.P. and their application in solving daily life problems.

Unit III: Coordinate Geometry

Review: Concepts of coordinate geometry, graphs of linear equations. Distance formula. Section formula (internal division).


1. Triangles 

Definitions, examples, and counter examples of similar triangles.

1. (Prove) If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

2. (Motivate) If a line divides two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, the line is parallel to the third side.

3. (Motivate) If the corresponding angles are equal in two triangles, their corresponding sides are proportional, and the triangles are similar.

4. (Motivate) If the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, their corresponding angles are equal, and the two triangles are similar.

5. (Motivate) If one angle of a triangle is equal to one angle of another triangle and the sides including these angles are proportional, the two triangles are similar.

2. Circles 

Tangent to a circle at the point of contact

1. (Prove) The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.

2. (Prove) The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Unit V: Trigonometry

1. Introduction to Trigonometry 

Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle of a right-angled triangle. Proof of their existence (well defined); motivate the ratios, whichever are defined at 0o and 90o. Values of the trigonometric ratios of 300, 450, and 600. Relationships between the ratios.

2. Trigonometric Identities 

Proof and applications of the identity sin2A + cos2A = 1. Only simple identities are to be given.

3. Heights and Distances

Angle of elevation, Angle of Depression. (10)Periods Simple problems on heights and distances. Problems should not involve more than two right triangles. Angles of elevation/depression should be only 30°, 45°, and 60°.

Unit VI: Mensuration

1. Areas Related to Circles

Area of sectors and segments of a circle. Problems based on areas and perimeter/circumference of the above-said plane figures. (In calculating the area of a segment of a circle, problems should be restricted to the central angle of 60°, 90°, and 120° only.

2. Surface Areas and Volumes

Surface areas and volumes of combinations of any two of the following: cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres, and right circular cylinders/cones.

Unit VII: Statics and Probability

1. Statistics

Mean, median, and mode of grouped data (bimodal situation to be avoided).

2. Probability

The classical definition of probability. Simple problems in finding the probability of an event.

<red> → <red> Check out the deleted syllabus of class 10 math exercise-wise

How to Study Class 10 Maths CBSE Syllabus

We know how important math is not only for exams but also for everyday life, so one should study mathematics as if they were studying for everyday life. If you study this way, then not only will maths become fun to learn, but you can also get good marks effortlessly. But the question is how to do that. Well, we are here to guide you. Let's go step by step to master the game of numbers:

  • After you have gone through the syllabus, create a study schedule and divide the topics according to the schedule.
  • Now, as you proceed through the chapters, try to understand the basics of each one, such as what the chapter is about, how that chapter applies to our day-to-day lives, how this chapter can be applied to our daily activities, etc.
  • Let's understand it with, e.g., suppose you are studying the first chapter that talks about real numbers. This chapter talks about how to find our LCM and HCF. After you have learned how to do it, think about its practical application. Where in life can it be used? Suppose A seminar is being conducted by a Research Organisation, where the participants will be researchers from different fields. The number of researchers in physics, applied mathematics, and biology is 80, 64, and 108, respectively. Now tell me, what will the maximum number of participants from the same field be seated in each room?  
  • The above question can only be solved if you know LCM and HCF.  
  • This is how you have to study the chapters and solve the questions.

Follow this technique for every chapter and I am sure even if you do not like studying maths you will start enjoying it.

Below, we are providing some book recommendations for you that we think might be useful for you. Have a look! 

Prescribed Books by CBSE:

<red> → <red> Mathematics - Textbook for class X - NCERT Publication

<red> → <red> Guidelines for Mathematics Laboratory in Schools, class X - CBSE Publication

<red> → <red> Mathematics exemplar problems for class X, NCERT publication.

Other Reference Book Recommendations:

<red> → <red> Educart Mathematics One Shot Question Bank

<red> → <red> Educart Mathematics Exemplar Solutions

<red> → <red> Educart Mathematics Sample Papers

Finally, start your maths preparation as early as possible so that you have more time for revision. Practice as much as you can and start incorporating applied practice for maths into your day-to-day routine. Start thinking in terms of numbers; this will make your maths phobia go away, if any. This way, not only will you enjoy studying maths, but also maths will become fun to learn.

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