Online Courses on SWAYAM - For Classes XIth and XIIth by NCERT

MOE's attempt to provide students an opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills.
July 14, 2023

<red> July 14th, 2023 <red>

Online Courses on SWAYAM - For Classes XIth and XIIth by NCERT

CISCE (Council For the Indian School Certificate Examination) released a notice on July 13th, 2023 notifying students about NCERT offering online courses for classes XI and XII on the SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) platform

In this latest notice, NCERT is running these courses in different cycles, and in its eleventh cycle, it will offer 28 online courses for classes XIth and XIIth across 11 different subjects. (Accountancy, Business Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, English, and Sociology).

Enrollment for these courses will continue till August 31st, 2023. The courses are available from April 20th, 2023 to September 30th, 2023

Course Enrollment Start Date Course Enrollment End Date Course End Date
April 20th, 2023 August 31st, 2023 September 30th, 2023

Please find the complete details in the sections below.

What is SWAYAM Portal?

The SWAYAM platform was launched by the Ministry of Education, Government of India on 9th July 2017 which offers Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in various subject areas. The portal can be accessed via the website as well as mobile apps. 

The course duration differs from 4 weeks to 24 weeks, students can choose as per their preference. The courses include video lectures, assignments with deadlines, self-study reading material, and online discussion forums to clear doubts by renowned educators. 

The students have to clear the exams to earn the credits and the certificate. Exams will start from September 25th, 2023 till December 1st, 2023 depending on the course. Students have to register for the exams when exam registration starts (as per their course) and might have to pay the required amount.

Courses Offered by NCERT on SWAYAM Portal

The list of courses offered for classes XIth and XIIth along with their course joining link

Class XI MOOCs course list and their joining link.

Class XI MOOCs Course Course Link
Accountancy Part-I Link
Biology Part-I Link
Biology Part-II Link
Business Studies Part-I Link
Chemistry Part-I Link
Chemistry Part-II Link
Economic Part-I Link
Geography Part-I Link
Geography Part-II Link
Mathematics Part-I Link
Mathematics Part-II Link
Physics Part-I Link
Physics Part-II Link
Psychology Part-I Link
Psychology Part-II Link
Sociology Part-I Link

Class XII MOOCs course list and their joining link.

Class XII MOOCs Course Course Link
Business Studies XII Part-I Link
Biology XII Part-II Link
Chemistry XII Part-I Link
Economic XII Part-I Link
English XII Part-1: Annual Preparatory Programme for
Enhancement in Academics and Revision (APPEAR)
Geography XII Part-I Link
Geography XII Part-I Link
Mathematics XII Part-I Link
Physics XII Part-I Link
Physics XII Part-II Link
Psychology XII Part-I Link
Sociology XII Part-I Link

How to Join These Courses?

You can follow these steps to enroll yourself in any of the listed courses.

  • You can use the course link( refer to the table as per your grade), and access the course page.
  • Register yourself in the course for free on the directed course page after clicking on the “Join” button.
  • Now you have access to your enrolled courses, make sure to submit your assignments timely.
  • Take the final test and get certified. Course summary will be available with each course and varies as per the course.

For more information, you can visit

ISC Class 12 Previous Years Question Papers

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