Chapter 1

Class 10
12. For each of the items given in Table 1.6, find out which country is at the top and which is at the bottom.


For each of the items given in Table 1.6, find out which country is at the top and which is at the bottom.


The Table 1.6 is as follows:

Table 1.6 Some Data Regarding India and Its Neighbours for 2022

Country Gross National
Income (GNI)
per Capita
(2017 PPP $)
Life Expectancy
at Birth (2021)
Mean Years of
Schooling of People
aged above 25
and above (2021)
HDI Rank in
the World
(2021- 22)
Sri Lanka 12,578 76.4 10.8 73
India 6,590 67.2 6.7 132
Myanmar 3,851 65.7 6.4 149
Pakistan 4,624 66.1 4.5 161
Nepal 3,877 68.4 5.1 143
Bangladesh 5,472 72.4 7.4 129
Source : Human Development Report, 2021-22, United
Nations Development Programme, New York.

Table 1.6 divides different countries of the world into different categories of development on the basis of various parameters. In this, criteria for per capita income, life expectancy, literacy rate, gross enrollment ratio and human development index number have been made. On the basis of per capita income, Sri Lanka is at the top and Myanmar is at the bottom. Sri Lanka is at the top and Myanmar at the bottom in terms of life expectancy at birth. On the basis of gross enrollment ratio, Sri Lanka is at the top and Pakistan is at the bottom. Sri Lanka is also ranked 73th in the world in terms of Human Development Index, which is above all the countries given in this table and Myanmar is at the bottom with 149th position.

Class 10 Important Questions

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10

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