Chapter 2

Class 10
1. What groups of people do you think are unemployed or underemployed in your area? Can you think of some measures that could be taken up for them?
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What groups of people do you think are unemployed or underemployed in your area? Can you think of some measures that could be taken up for them?


If we see from your point of view, the following groups of people are unemployed or under-employed in our area-

(i) agricultural labour families,

(ii) Small farmer families,

(iii) Painters, carpenters, hawkers, repairmen, builders of houses, people who pull carts on the streets, people who pick up junk, people who carry loads on their heads, etc.

The following measures can be suggested for these

(i) Employment generation programs should be implemented.

(ii) Construction of new dams and canals for irrigation, so that many employment opportunities can be created in the agriculture sector.

(iii) Promotion of those industries and services by the government in semi-rural areas in which the maximum number of people can be employed.

(iv) Providing loans to the unemployed and underemployed at low interest rate so that they can start their small business.

(v) Government should invest capital on transportation and storage of crops or on construction of rural roads. This work can also provide employment to farmers, people engaged in transport and business services

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